Chapter 16

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I stood at the edge of the field, watching Thunder graze in the distance. The afternoon was quiet, the birds didn't chirp, there was no wind to rustle the long grasses of the field, but my mind was loud. In fact, it was screaming, screaming thoughts about Wilbur, the ranch, the horses and so much more.

I felt like I was standing in a field that just went on and on, with no place in sight.

"Macey!" I jumped at the sudden call of my name and flew around to see who had called. Brian stood a few feet away with a questionable look on his face.

"I called your name like 5 times. Where was your head at? He questioned as he closed the small distance between us, his eyes searching mine with concern.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about what I'm going to do with this place..." I trailed off as I looked around, purposefully avoiding the eye contact. Brian stepped a few inches closer and softly took my face in his hand, turning it so I was forced to lock eyes with him.

"You'll figure it out. I'm always here to help, just call and I'll drop what I'm doing and race here as fast as I can." Brian smiled as he kept his eyes on mine, making sure I take in what he's saying to me. It was at this moment that something sprouted in my heart for Brian.

I've always liked Brian, he was attractive and sweet, not to mention the most generous person I've ever met. Even though I knew and thought all of this about Brian ever since I got to know him in high school, for some reason my heart pulled towards Wilbur, the son of my parents best friends. 

But my feelings for Wilbur were never reciprocated. I was his pal, his tomboy best friend, a girl he never thought more off than the muddy mess he helped up when she fell off the horse for the first time.

When I spilled the beans on the last day of our high school life, drunk and sobbing because I stumbled upon him and another girl making out at a house party. The Wilbur I knew turned and walked away, never speaking a word to me again, until the day I returned to this town.

With searching eyes I looked at Brian, wondering if I should allow the feeling in my chest to grow for him or cut it off before I get hurt again. Something sparked in me as Brian started lightly stroking the side of my face, his rough worn fingers working delicately, making sure he was not hurting me.

The pull in my chest grew stronger and I leaned forward a bit, Brian responded to my movement by doing the same. Our lips were inches apart, but it felt like there was still a barrier between us. I wanted to kiss him, but at the same time I realized I had more important things to think about than a new relationship.

"I'm sorry Brian." It was three words, but they held a big punch. I saw the disappointment flutter across his eyes before anger set in. He averted his eyes from me and slightly turned his body away.

"You should start a horse riding camp, you have enough space and the wooded area would make a great adventured for young rides to explore. That's what I would've done, anyway." He glanced at me once more, before he left. His steps echoed in my ears and heart as he retreated.

I mulled over his words and the suggestion of a horse camp. I used to go to a few as a young girl and always enjoyed them immensely. It wasn't a bad idea and neither a hard one to start on.
Thunder trotted up to me and nuzzled my hair. I gave him a soothing head rub, knowing that what was coming wasn't going to be easy, but it was unclear if I was feeling this for the future of the ranch or the future with Brian.

Later that day I sat in the dusty office looking over maps of the ranch. Brian was right, there was more than enough space to house horses and a bunch of kids. I could easily make a makeshift campsite just outside the house, the stables was in okay condition there was enough grass in the pasture to feed standing horse, I'd just have to get my hands on enough hay to feed the stabled horses.

I started writing down my plans and ideas as the night drawled on and hour by hour I grew more and more excited. This could actually work, there wasn't that much to it, and I had more than enough time on my hands. By midnight I had everything planned out and a course of action.

First I'll have to start with the pastures, I had to fix a lot of broken beams, not to mention some of the rotting poles that had started leaning to the side. I sighed as I realized that I'd have to delve into my savings, but then again to make money you had to spend money.

At two in the morning I headed to Thunders stall, once again unable to sleep. The enormous horse gave me a feeling of comfort I had long though was lost.

"Hey big guy, would you mind if I sleep here again?" I felt silly asking a question I knew he couldn't possibly answer, but I just had to "talk" to something. I slipped into his stall and settled in the back on a clean patch of hay, I grabbed the blanket draped over the side of the stall and wrapped myself in it.

Thunder gently laid down a few inches from me and sighed in content. I stared at him for what felt like hours, he was so different to the stallions that I grew up with, gentle yet so strong and protective.

He was like Brian, but as a horse.


My mind played back this morning, the disappointment he expressed was etched into my brain. It was clear that feelings for me was growing in him to, but at the moment I felt too messed up to be any good for him.

I needed time to heal.

Hopefully my plans were going to allow it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2019 ⏰

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