Chapter 3

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I walked along a winding footpath that led to a small stream behind the ranch house. I used to go there a lot when I was a little girl, especially when my parents were fighting.

It was in some way my safe place.

I arrived at the stream and gasped. It was beutiful before, but now it was absolutely gorgouse.

Moss covered most of the rocks. The trees were huge and made a canopy over the stream. Here and there were light, dancing across the flowing stream. The trees prevented most of the sunlight of breaking through.

It was like my hideout had just became a total hideout from the world.

I sat down on one of the rocks that was not covered in moss, and looked out at the scene before me. The grass had grown so tall that I can barely see the ground.

Birds where twittering all around me and a light breeze ruffled the treetops. I breathed in the fresh air and sighed happily.

Why didn't I come back sooner, I had forgotten how great this place was. I guess New York had held so much opportunities that I didn't think twice about moving away.

I loved New York, but it was to busy for a small town girl like me. I had missed the town, but not the people, well most of the people.

I sighed at the thought of New York. I had some really great times there, but after Sam's cheating and my granddad's death, I just couldn't stay there.

I sat at the stream for an hour more, before I got up and headed back home.

I have a new life here now, and I want to make the best of it.

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