Chapter 9

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I sat down on my back porch steps and stared at the green/orange afternoon hills, and grass bending in the light breeze. A whinny from the west side dragged my attention away from the beauty in front of me. I turned my head to see Thundercloud galloping down the pasture towards me, his head held high with pride and freedom.

Thunder stopped as close as he could to me and nickered lowly, stretching his head over the wooden post. Unfortunately the post had started to rot and with another slight push from Thunder it cracked and broke with a squealing crunch. Thunder reared away from broken post and stared at me with wide dark brown eyes.

I was shocked for a second before I burst out laughing, a full out belly laugh. Thunder upon hearing my laughter whinnied at me and sniffed at the broken post. When he realized it wasn't going to bite him, he swiftly stepped over it and walked over to me. I was snorting with laughter at that time and only laughed harder when Thunder lightly pushed me with his soft, velvety nose.

It was the first time in months that I have laughed so hard.

"May I know what made the beautiful Macey May, laugh so merrily?" The deep voice that belonged to Wilbur asked as he leaned against the house corner. I looked over at him and smiled broadly as I slowly stroked Thunders head.

Thunder looked over at Wilbur and regarded him with a huff of irritation. Wilbur cocked his left eyebrow in surprise and raised his hands in a defending manner.

"Please forgive me Thundercloud for intruding on your happy moment with Miss Macey, but would you mind if I had a quick word with her?" Wilbur asked in mock fear. Thunder looked at him once again and sighed as he moved off to graze on a patch of grass a few feet away from us.

I haven't seen Wilbur for a week and was somewhat relieved when he finally showed up. Wilbur took a seat beside me on the steps and stared out at the view in front of us.

"You're very lucky Macey, to have such a view gracing your backyard." Wilbur said as he threw a flirting smile my way. "Or should I say I'm lucky to have you in my viewpoint?"

I rolled my eyes at Wilbur's silliness and smiled shyly. His words stirred old, buried feelings up again, feelings I didn't know I still had. The feeling of rejection the strongest, it was still fresh in my heart and mind, it was a feeling I was quite familiar with by now, but it still hurt to know I was rejected, even if it was years ago.

"Flattery won't get you anywhere Wild Wilbur." I deadpanned as I looked into his deep grey eyes. Wilbur smirked and shook his head disappointingly.

"Will it at least get me a cup of coffee?" He inquired with a hopeful glint in his eyes. I couldn't contain the laugh that bubbled out of me and nodded my head.

"I guess I can make that happen." I chimed playfully as I punched his shoulder. Wilbur glared at me for a second before tackling me to the soft grass and tickling me. A surprised scream escaped me before a string of giggles and snorts left my mouth. Wilbur kept on attacking me with countless tickles which made me scream and snort.

"Wil-wilbur st-stop, please." I managed to squeak out from my hysterics. In the meantime Thunder had come over to us and blown his hot breath onto Wilbur's neck. Wilbur stopped tickling me and slowly turned his head around to stare into Thunders squinting eyes, his ears drawn back threateningly.

Wilbur quickly got the message and removed his hands from my waist, he slowly got up from the ground. Thunder kept his squinted eyes on Wilbur as he backed away.

"I'm staying with my statement. Thunder is really a guard dog, not a horse." Wilbur stated as he nervously glanced at Thunder. I rolled my eyes and threw my arm around Thunders bent down neck. He easily pulled me back up onto my feet and nuzzled my side. I giggled and scratched his head.

"Come on, the coffee's not going to make itself." I joked through giggles as I pulled away from Thunder and walked up the steps. Wilbur silently followed me, but kept a close eye on Thunder.

The mistrust in the two of them were quite amusing.

I placed Wilbur's coffee in front of him and took my seat opposite. We drank in silence as our stares kept lingering back to each other.

"So...did you date back in New York?" Wilbur suddenly asked as I placed my cup down. I looked down at my lap and bit my lip as memories came rushing back in.

Sam was the first man I trusted after what Wilbur did to me. I gave him every last part of me and he still went and found himself another toy. I grimaced at the thought of him, he was one of the few reasons why I didn't hesitate to move back home.

"Yeah, but it's not a story I like to talk or think about." I whispered slowly, my voice wobbling with emotion. I avoided Wilbur's eyes, fearing that he'll see my unshed tears.

"Whoever the guy was, he hurt you didn't he." Wilbur sneered as a hard edge crept into his deep voice. I made the mistake of looking up and into his furious eyes, when he saw my glistening eyes, an angry snarl left his mouth and he stood up.

Wilbur stalked over to my chair and pulled me up onto my feet, turning my body towards his and pushing me up against the table. I stared wide eyed at him, my voice gone like the air in my lungs.

"I won't let anyone hurt you again." Wilbur growled out as his lips met mine. I was shocked into stone and refused to move any muscles.

After so many years of wishing this would happen and then having him shatter my young heart, I have long since abandoned the fantasy of us kissing. In fact, I've abandoned the feelings I had for him and pushed them into the deepest crevices of my mind. But now here was Wilbur, busy hoisting those feelings right back up into the light. A place I didn't want them to be.

I placed my hands onto his chest and pushed. He was strong, big and so heavy, but he felt my resistance and pulled away from me. I stared up at his dark eyes and shook my head in disbelieve.

"Wilbur we can't, we can't do this." I muttered through a choked up throat. Wilbur frowned disappointingly and pushed himself away from me. He looked down at my shaking body and shook his head.

"Why not?" He asked as he struggled to get himself to calm down. I frowned up at him and shook my head, trying my best to clear it of the kiss.

"Because you clearly forgot who the one was that never gave this a shot." I responded as I gestured between us. I heard Wilbur sigh and then moving towards the kitchen door. My heart dropped, because once again, he was walking out, on me.

"I'll come around tomorrow with two of my mares for Thunder. I'll see you then." Was the last words he spoke before he left my home. I couldn't help but cringe as I heard the front door banging shut.

It was then that I noticed, the tears I was holding back, were freely flowing down my cheeks.

I stumbled towards the back door and threw it open. Thunder was standing on the first step and softly nickered when he saw me. I stumbled down the steps and wrapped my arms around Thunders thick, dark neck. As I hugged him, I cried all my heartache out onto his soft, lush black mane. Thunder wrapped his head and neck around my shoulders and pulled me closer into him.

And for the first time in my life, I felt home, really home. Wrapped into the warm hug of an animal twice my sized and a hundred times my weight, I felt loved, understood and not judged, he was my lifeline now, my life on this farm depended on him.

I thanked God for sending this massive creature into my life as I clung to Thunders neck.

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