My weird gift

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Saiki's POV

So this whole week before the trip I was very jumpy and flustered. No not because of bugs or the trip. It was because I changed my control devices a little.

It wasn't a very big change but it weakened my strong x-ray vision. Of course nobody could sneak up on me because of my mind reading ability but it still startled me since now I could see people normally.

Though I have to admit that now I understood why people say Teruhashi is beautiful and all but it's not like she looked like a goddess or anything. I actually think that a lot of our classmates are kind of good looking and cute so I still couldn't figure out why is she the only one getting all the attention and complements.

For example Kaido... Wait?! What?! Why was he the first one to come to my mind after I said cute. It's probably because he and Nendou are always around trying to annoy me. Yea... that has to be it.

Oh you also might be wondering how did I weaken my x-ray vision in the first place well it wasn't me it was my brother. He gave me a very small new device as my Christmas present which as I said earlier can weaken my x-ray vision and left instructions how to attach it to my antennas. He also said that he wants me to see him normally then he finally beats me.

Yare yare it didn't even make any sense. Honestly I didn't trust him at all. That's why I haven't even tried to use it but I checked it a couple of times and it didn't look suspicious or anything and I kinda wanted to try it out so that's why I started to use it.

Besides if our mother found out he did something bad to it my brother would be in A LOT OF TROUBLE. And she is probably the only person who can scare him. Well I mean same goes for me.

So now you know why I was jumpy for almost the whole week and my so called friends noticed. Some of them just laughed it off like Nendou but the blue haired boy and the 'angle' were a little concerned about me.

Maybe it wouldn't have been so bad if Teruhashi didn't start thinking my strange behaviour was because I realised that I liked her or as she put it 'he finally realised he had a chance with me'.

This obviously was completely wrong not to mention that even though I started to see people normally it still didn't change the fact that I didn't care about looks and that I knew what she actual thinks and her thoughts clearly aren't as perfect as everyone thinks. They are actually quite the opposite of what a 'perfect' person would think. Nonetheless I started to like seeing everyones faces rather than their insides.

Hi guys sorry it's short. I promise the next one will be way longer and better than this one (at least I hope). Have a wonderful day and don't get caught by dark reunion


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