3 and a half hours

344 12 22

💖Kaido's POV💖

I think I was sleeping then I heard the bus driver hitting the breaks hard, as if trying to wake up everyone who was still sleeping. I slowly opened my eyes trying to adjust them to the light coming from the window. I wanted to move my head but something felt off... Since I wasn't fully awake yet it was hard for me to understand what was happening but I realised one thing. My head was on something. That something was soft, comfortable and smelled like coffee jelly... coffee Jelly?

Wait coffee Jelly...


'Oh no don't tell me -' I quickly lifted my head up. Honestly I was scared to look up but I had to. And as my eyes slowly raised up I realised I wasn't wrong. It was exactly what I feared... Saiki

"Oh my gosh Saiki I'm so so sorry that I slept on you I d-didn't realise what I was doing exactly. Please forgive me!" - I closed my eyes and pleaded. Afraid what was he going to say.

"It's fine" - Saiki replied with his regular blank face as if he didn't care or notice at all.

I was so embarrassed and flustered. I couldn't believe what I did. My face started to heat up really fast, my palms where getting sweaty and the worst part is I didn't know why.

"We should get going" - Saiki said standing up.

"Y-Yea, right" - I replied trying to calm down.

We took our bags and quickly got off the bus. The whole class including me and Saiki were walking towards the hotel. Where were a lot of chatter and footsteps but the only thing I could here was mine and Saki's breathing.

✨Time skip✨

After a couple interesting activities we all settled in the same hotel and me plus a couple of my other male classmates including Saiki were sharing a room.

We put down our things and made our beds. Well technically you can't call it beds because they were sleeping bags. But to be honest all of us couldn't fit in the same room otherwise and they are comfortable so it didn't really matter.

The only thing that was bothering me was that Saki's sleeping bag was right next to mine.
Why did it bother me? I don't know. It just the fought of us sleeping near each other gave a weird feeling in my stomach that I couldn't really get rid of unless I stoped thinking about the whole thing.

Anyway it was late already so we decided to go to sleep. And as the comfortable pillow touched my head I instantly fell asleep.

🧂Saiki's POV🧂

Then everyone fell asleep I decided to go out to get some fresh air. As I stood up the floor Creaked loudly as if trying to alarm everybody around about what was I trying to do. I didn't dare to move from my spot as I looked for a sign that at least one person heard that and will wake up at any second. Luckily the only one who even moved was Kaido who turned on his other side in my direction.

I was about to teleport as I realised that the moonlight coming threw the window landed right on Kaido's face as if trying to outshine his beauty. In my opinion it didn't work out because for a good couple of minutes I couldn't take my eyes off of the sleeping male. His curly hair was in almost every single direction as if trying to escape this world. His skin shining from the moonlight more beautiful than any diamond. His lips were forming a small smile as if telling you that everything is okay and I'm pretty sure it could calm down anyone who would look at it. Not to mention his cheeks which looked even more soft than on the bus ride...

"No Kusuo stop" - I fought as I shook my head and teleported to the nearby beach.

💕3 person's POV💕

He walked a little bit trying to forget what was he thinking a couple minutes ago. Then sat down on a chair and looked into the sea as if all the answers he was looking for was right were in the horizon.

He was like that for some time than his eyes decided that it will be enough for now and slowly closed maybe knowing what's going to happen after a couple of hours.

✨time skip after all the Teruhashi's shenanigans✨

"Yare Yare finally" - Saiki fought as he teleported to the hotel near his room. He heard somebody walking nearby so he quickly opened the door and went inside. After that he very gently closed the door behind him hoping he didn't wake up anyone. Then sighed heavily as he turned his head towards his sleeping bag.

"Saiki?"- a tired yet relieved voice said.

"Kaido?" - Saiki asked surprised.

Kusuo couldn't believe that he didn't hear Kaido's mind and that he isn't asleep. But then remembered that after what happened his powers still didn't set back to normal and that's why he missed to read Kaido's mind.

"Why are you awake?" - Saiki asked walking to his sleeping bag and trying not to glance at Kaido who was looking at him.

"Oh well I woke up at about 12.30 am and then realised you weren't here so I got worried a little bit and decided to wait for you. Then after waiting a long time I wanted to go look for you but then I heard our teacher saying something and walking back and forth. I don't know why but maybe he had a nightmare or something. So after that I waited for you until you came back." - Kaido responded with a sleepy yet happy voice.

"So you did all of that because... you were worried about me?" - Kusuo asked surprised.

"Well yea... I was afraid something bad happened to you but at the same time I didn't want to get you in trouble if you were just hanging out somewhere. That's why I waited and didn't go near our teacher" - Kaido said sounding more tired with every word.

"Well um thanks" - Saiki said making his position more comfortable in thesleeping bag .

"No, problem..." - Kaido answered falling asleep in the middle of his sentence.

Saiki was about to go to sleep as he realised one mayor thing in Kaido's story.

"12.30 am?" - Kusuo questioned as he grabbed his phone to check the time.

His phone screen lit up with a painfully bright light which wasn't pleasant for Saiki but he couldn't care less as his eyes looked up trying to find the clock which would tell the exact time.

"It's 4.06 am"- he fought still trying to understand what kind of number is that. His brain clearly decided it would be enough for today and tried to get him to sleep as fast as possible but Kusuo didn't give up as he tried and tried finally doing the correct math in his head.

"Wait... did he wait 3 and a half hours for me?!" - Saki fought as his eyes flickered and brain started to think clearly again deciding that maybe this was worth a little bit of their time.

Saiki turned to his other side to look at Kaido. Without realising Kusuo smiled unnoticeably and thanked the shorter male in his mind. Who was peacefully sleeping with a relieved look on his face. Of course Saiki couldn't help but look more closely at Shun. And as he studied his face trying to examine every single curve and gentle spot. Thinking that not even the best sculpture in the world could replicate this angel's beauty Kaido suddenly smiled. Saiki blushed and got scared as he thought that Kaido caught him in this embarrassing act. But then quickly understood that the blue haired boy was still sleeping calmly without any suspicion what so ever.

Kusuo sighed as he turned back to his other side. Feeling weird and guilty for some reason. But his body decided to shut down those feelings and take him back to the interesting dream land.

💞ok thank you for everyone who is still reading this story! Love you all be safe and see you in the next chapter💞

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