How can this coffee jelly taste better ?!

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Saiki's POV

Yes it finally came... The school trip I really didn't want to go to. But here I am in the airport waiting to board a plane. I can teleport anywhere and go back in 3 minutes so I don't have any excitement for it.

I was looking around then suddenly I hear "Due to a hurricane the ten o'clock flight to Okinawa has been delayed". The whole class looked so depressed after the announcement. I mean even Hairo couldn't bring people spirits back up. I scanned threw my class again my eyes landing on Kaido. He was putting on an act like he didn't care that the trip got cancelled but he clearly didn't sleep at all do to his excitement for it. You could see that because he had bags under his beautiful eyes. I mean his ORDINARY eyes. Ok even I can't stand this. I decided to use my powers to fight the hurricane.

After I got back I was soaked and again Kaido was the only one who noticed. I quickly dried myself off so nobody else would question it. I was a little relieved seeing how happy everyone was including the blue haired boy who couldn't seem to stop smiling. Well it's not like I cared about him... I just noticed I guess.

A couple minutes later we all boarded the plane. I was a little tired after taking one of my antennas off to save our school trip so I sat down not realising my seat was next to the childish boy. Well it didn't make a lot of difference I mean Nendou was sitting next to me as well but still some part of me was a little happy about Kaido being there.

I didn't know why. I guess it was because I didn't want to sit next to others like Teruhashi. She maybe looked 'perfect' as always but she actually was mad she couldn't sit next to me. Though a couple minutes later the 'perfect' girl convinced herself she will sit next to me on the bus after the flight. Teruhashi imagined how she will tripp right next to me and make it look like an accident. Then I will catch her and as a thank you she will ask me to sit next to her. Of course in the bus she is going to do something angelic (as she called it) and I'm going to say "oh wow" to her.

Yea... like that is ever going to happen. I was thinking how could I avoid her so Terihashi's plan wouldn't succeed. Though I quickly realised that I had a bigger problem than this well rather the person to my right had it. It was Kaido. Apparently he forgot his pills for motion sickness at home and now felt really sick. I looked at him and felt... sad? No maybe concerned? Well whatever it was I didn't like that feeling so I decided to teleport to his room and take the medication for him. After he found and took them he looked relieved and very happy. Somehow it made me smile. Well it was probably because that strange feeling went away.

Minutes later I stared to get hungry so I reached for my bag to grab a snack but then out of nowhere Takahashi started shouting about how his stomach hurt. I rewinded his body and used my powers once again. I sighed since I was getting really tired so I decided to eat my favourite dessert and take a nap. But as I reached in my bag again I suddenly remembered that I didn't pack any coffee Jelly because I ate the last one this morning and forgot to buy new ones since I woke up late and needed to be at the airport in 10 minutes. Not to mention my parents crying tears of joy because it was my first school trip.

I suddenly felt devastated but I didn't want to use my powers again so I was left with no desert. Apparently Kaido noticed this and asked me about it - "Hey Saiki what's wrong?You look sad"

"It's nothing" - I murmured not even bothering to look at him. I felt that he was concerned about me but nothing could bring my mood back up.

"Well maybe this will cheer you up!" - The blue haired boy said reaching into his bag and pulling out two packs of coffee Jelly. My heart suddenly skipped a beat and my eyes flickered.

"Y-You brought this for me?!" - I asked still in disbelief.

"Of course I did! I said I'll try to make this trip exciting for you remember?" - I looked at him in shock. I still couldn't believe someone cared about me enough to bring my favourite dessert.

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