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🧂Saki's POV🧂

I think I slept for an hour or so after coming back to the hotel as I suddenly woke up to a shivering sound. I opened my eyes slowly and started to scan the room trying to find the source of it. I didn't look even for a minute as I heard the shivering right behind me.

I quickly turned around to see Kaido. He was curled in to a ball trying to get as much warmth as he could. His eyes were squeezed shut and his teeth were clenched as he held his sleeping bag tightly trying to press it against his body as much as possible. At the same time doing everything very quietly to not wake anyone up. But clearly nothing was working because his shivers were just getting stronger.

I lowered my gaze to look at his sleeping bag which was very thin. It was obviously for summer weather. Then I raised my eyes back at Kaido who still didn't open his. I felt a little...bad for him. Believe it or not I couldn't ignore him for some reason. So I tried to think of a good solution to this problem.

My first instinct was to use my powers to warm him up or teleport a blanket here. But then I remembered that my powers still weren't recovered and that I could hurt him by using them. I then decided to look for something warm in the room but I failed realising there was nothing Kaido could use.

In total I thought of 7 solutions but most of them included my powers or waking up other people. So the only solution left was the one I was very hesitant to do. But as my eyes found the shivering male again I just couldn't refuse to use it.

"Kaido" - I questioned quietly.

"Saiki?! You're awake?" - he whispered loudly. Surprised that I wasn't sleeping.

"Yes" - I answered with no emotion.

"I woke you up didn't I? I'm so sorry Saiki I'll try to be more quite I promise"- Shun said clenching his sleeping bag more than before. You could also hear how bad he felt for waking me up.

"Are you cold?" - I asked looking straight at him ignoring what he said.

"N-No I'm ok" - he answered stuttering and making a horrible attempt to stop shaking.

"Really?" - I questioned sternly not believing him one bit.

"Yea, I'm completely fine" - Kaido whispered looking down trying not to meet my gaze.

I kept quiet for a minute not taking my eyes off of the boy in front of me. He was still trying to stop shaking knowing that I was looking at him.

I quietly sighed as I sat down in my sleeping bag. And the rubbing sound of fabric made Kaido turn his head in my direction.

"Come here" - I ordered as I moved to the side a little bit.

Kaido blinked in surprise looking straight into my eyes questioning my words and actions. It looked like he wanted to say something but saw how serious I was and decided not to. Shun looked down and following the instructions I gave him, stood up hesitantly taking a couple small steps near me.

"What now?" - He asked still very confused.

I leaned forward a little bit grabbing Kaido's warm waist and quickly puling him in. He gasped not expecting my action. I gently pulled him in my sleeping bag and hugged him tightly trying to get him as close to me as possible.

"S-Saiki?!" - he whispered loudly under his breath.

"I know you're cold and I'm not gonna let you freeze" - I answered trying to make it as normal as I could.

"B-But I said I was fine and..." - Kaido started.

"And I didn't believe you because you were lying" - I sternly replied tightening my grip as a sign I won't let him go.

"B-But I wa-...thank you" - Shun whispered giving up on trying to convince me.

I kept quiet and just squeezed him lightly.

A couple minutes passed and Kaido slowly stopped shivering as he got comfortable and relaxed in my arms. His breathing got more and more slow finally falling and raising in the same rhythm.

I wanted to go back to sleep after that but just couldn't. I looked at the boy in front of me as I was trying to convince myself that I'm going to fall asleep at any second. But that second...

never came.

Why? Maybe it's because I wasn't tired enough. Or maybe it's because I could endure Kaido's warmth which I didn't know I needed or maybe because I could feel every single curve of his pressed against my body as if it was supposed to be there all along. Or maybe just the scent of his which was too sweet for me to handle but too irresistible to not keep longing for.

I buried my face into Kaido's soft hair his scent become the only thing I could think about. The smell of cinnamon was overwhelming my lungs and the smell of berries was all around me as if telling me that even if I somehow got passed the first scent I could never pass the second.

But I wasn't planning on doing that anyway as I moved even closer to the sleeping male beside me not wanting to be even a length of a hair from him. At the same time doing it very carefully because to me he felt too precious for this world. Like if I move even an inch too much he would shatter like glass right in front of me without a warning. But the warmth of Shun calmed my thoughts down as it traveled around my body as if giving me a hug. It was almost like a thank you I helped Kaido to warm up and apologising it wasn't enough by itself. At the same time I could feel Shun's curves pressed lightly against me as if they were waiting forever for this moment.

But after a while I realised that they weren't the only ones who have waited for this because Kaido's hair started to tickle my face as if saying that I need to stop doing the same blank face all the time and start showing at least a couple small smiles here and there. I tried to refuse at first still keeping my straight face. But I couldn't do that for long because the corners of my mouth started quivering betraying me and slowly shaping into a small smile. Before long almost without realising I gave up on trying to control everything around me for at least a minute. And as my eyes were still trying to study Shun as much as possible I felt total peace even if only for a second my heart was completely calm and in that short period of time I finally fell asleep still tightly holding Kaido in my arms.

💖thank you for reading this kings, queens and other royalties with different pronounce! Have a wonderful day/night/evening/morning and stay safe💖

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