Chapter 3

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 Bailey woke up at around 9 o'clock, thinking that last night was all a dream. She looked at her phone and checked her Instagram followers. Barzal97 had followed her since yesterday.

"Tori?" Bailey called Victoria. She walked into the kitchen smelling sweet sausage and pancakes.

"Hey, Bails," Victoria said, flipping a pancake. "How'd you sleep?"

"Great!" Bailey said. "I thought I had the best dream ever,"

"What do you mean, thought?" Victoria asked.

"Turns out it was actually real!" Bailey's face looked the same as yesterday; she still couldn't get over the fact that she met her idol.

"Calm down, Bails," Victoria said. "No hockey guys are into fangirls,"

"How would you know?" Bailey asked.

"I'm joking," She told her, putting the pancakes on a large plate.

Bailey started to set the table.

"Take out an extra two settings," Victoria said to her.

"Why?" Bailey asked.

"I invited Nick and Kaitlyn," Victoria told Bailey.

"Alright," Bailey said, pulling out two extra plates from the cabinet.

Someone knocked on the door. Bailey put down the plates and went to the door to answer it.

"Hey, Bails," Nick said, holding a plate of muffins. Bailey could tell that it was from her grandmother's house by the fancy plate holding them.

"Where's Kaitlyn?" Victoria asked.

"Uh," Nick started. "We broke up,"

He handed the plate of muffins to Victoria.

"Oh, sorry about that," Victoria said.

"She said that you guys would still be friends and stuff," Nick told her.

"Yeah," Victoria said. "I don't know about that,"

"I thought you guys were friends," Nick said, sitting down at the table.

"I was mostly friends with you..." Victoria said.

"I'm going to go-" Bailey said, trying to let them have their moment without feeling like a third wheel. "I think my fish is drowning,"

Victoria looked at her weirdly, then went back to rinsing off a few plates before she sat down to eat.

"So," Nick said, twiddling his thumbs. "Thanks for having me,"

"No problem," Victoria said. "I hope you enjoy,"

Nick took a plate and started stacking pancakes on it.

"It looks delicious," Nick told her.

"Bailey?" Victoria called.

Bailey walked back into the kitchen.

"Are you done giving your fish CPR?" Victoria asked.

"Yeah," Bailey said, picking up her plate. "I'm starving,"

"So, Bails," Nick said, pouring syrup on his pancakes. "Are you ready for your date with the famous Mat Barzal tonight?"

"It's not a date," Bailey told them. "It's just practice,"

"One on one," Victoria said.

"It's not that big of a deal," Bailey said as her phone buzzed.

"Is that Mat?" Victoria asked, smiling.

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