Chapter 20

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Bailey left Malkin's office with a smile plastered on her face. She didn't want to go to Toronto, no matter how good their team was. She has always wanted to meet Auston Matthews and Mitch Marner, but she couldn't leave Mat and her teammates here in Long Island.

Mat looked up from his phone when he saw Bailey walk by.

"How did it go?" He asked.

Mat smiled as he saw Bailey smile.

"Well, I'm back on the team," Bailey said.

"That's great!" Mat hugged her. "We needed you,"

"I'm so glad that I get to play for the team again, this whole weekend has been so weird with hockey," Bailey said.

"I'm glad you're on the team again, too," Mat smiled. "Now we got some real chances to win,"

"We always have," Bailey said.

"What made him change his mind?" Mat asked.

"Well, first off, he took into consideration your sweet comments to keep me," Bailey said.

Mat blushed.

"I hope you didn't mind, but we needed you," Mat said.

"I don't mind at all," Bailey said. "It was really sweet,"

"What was the other reason?" Mat asked.

"He didn't want me to go to Toronto," Bailey said.

"Toronto? Why the hell would you go there?" Mat asked.

"I got offered a spot on the Leafs," Bailey said.

"No fucking way!" Mat smiled, then his smile faded. "Are you gonna take it?"

"I'm not ready for the Leafs yet," Bailey said. "Plus, I'm more of an Islander anyway,"

Mat smiled.

"Wanna go home?" Mat asked.

"Yes please," Bailey said.

Mat turned up the radio to The Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes. He was upset about the loss, but completely forgot about it and focused on Bailey. When they got home, Mat plopped himself on the couch. Bailey still had all of the energy in the world since she didn't play. Mat turned on the TV to the NHL Network. The Golden Knights and Kings had their next game as well that started at 10:30. The highlights from the other games came on. They showed all of the scores.

"Oh, that's right, we fucking lost today," Mat said, groaning.

"Are you okay?" Bailey asked.

"I'm just glad you're back on the team," Mat said. "I don't know what the hell we'd do without you,"

"You want something to eat?" Bailey asked.

"Food in mouth now!" Mat shot Bailey a cheesy smile and laughed.

"What do you want then?" Bailey asked.

"Pizza?" Mat asked.

"Sounds good," Bailey said, picking up her phone to order.

They watched the Kings vs the Golden Knights while the pizza arrived. Bailey tipped the delivery girl.

"Woah," She said. "You're Bailey Reis,"

"Yeah," Bailey said.

Mat tried to hide under the blanket.

"So cool," The girl said. "Can I have your autograph?"

"Sure," Bailey said, taking a pen from the counter and signing her Islanders hat for her.

"Thank you!" The girl said. "Are you still on the Islanders?"

"Yeah," Bailey smiled. "You'll see me in the game on Wednesday night,"

"Awesome!" The girl said.

Bailey smiled, then shut the door as the girl walked away.

"She was so cute," Bailey said. "I love having fans, it makes me feel like a movie star,"

Mat took the blanket off of his head.

"Unless you have to hide from them," Mat laughed.

"You don't actually do that, do you?" Bailey smiled.

"On occasion," Mat said. "I didn't feel like getting up,"

Bailey smiled and put the pizza box on the coffee table. Mat took a slice from the box as Bailey sat down. Mat took a huge bite of his pizza.

"OW," He said.

"Did you burn yourself?" Bailey asked, laughing.

"Yeah," Mat said. "It's really hot,"

"Geez, Mathew, what am I gonna do with you?" Bailey laughed.

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