Chapter 18

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Bailey hung up the phone with Coach and buried her face in her hands. Mat looked at her.

"Are you okay?" He asked. "What happened,"

Bailey didn't look up from her hands. Her face got red and she started to cry. Mat got closer to her and hugged her. He didn't know what was going on, but he thought that that was the least he could do. Bailey hugged him back and tried to hold back the tears that were already spilling.

"You wanna talk about it?" Mat asked in a calm voice.

Bailey wiped the tears from her face.

"I-" Bailey couldn't find the strength to tell him.

"You can tell me, you know that, right?" Mat said.

Bailey tried to speak, but couldn't.

"Who did this to you?" Mat asked.

"I got kicked off the team," Bailey whispered.

Mat looked down at Bailey and lifted her head.

"You got kicked off the team?" Mat asked. "Why?"

"I don't know," Bailey said. "I don't know,"

Mat picked up his phone.

"Who called you?" Mat asked.

"Trotz did," Bailey said.

Mat pulled up his coach from his quick-dial.

"No, but Barzy, I don't think it was his decision to cut me, don't call him," Bailey said.

"How do you know?" Mat asked.

"He sounded... upset," Bailey said. "When he called me,"

Mat put down his phone.

"So what does this mean? You can't play tomorrow?" Mat asked.

"I don't know," Bailey said. She wiped more of her tears, only to smear her makeup.

"They can't be serious," Mat said.

"I thought they all wanted me there," Bailey started to cry again.

"Hey, hey, hey," Mat tried to calm her down. He wiped her tears and looked into her eyes. "They do want you on the team,"

"Then why did I get kicked off?" Bailey asked, looking away from Mat's face.

"We'll get this settled," Mat said. "They guy who is up to this is a fucking idiot,"

"There's no use trying to-" Bailey started.

"Of course there is," Mat said. "You deserve to be there just as much as the rest of us,"

He hugged her again.

"It'll be okay," Mat said. "I'll get it straightened out,"

Mat got up and grabbed his keys.

"Where are you going?" Bailey asked.

"To the rink," Mat said.

"Oh," Bailey said.

"Please, don't be upset," Mat said. "I could stay here for longer if you want,"

"You can go," Bailey said. "Have fun,"

"I'm not going to practice, Bails," Mat said. "I'm going to fight for you,"

"Barzy," Bailey said.

"I'll be back," Mat smiled. "Hopefully with your spot back,"

He got in his car and called Tito.

The Rise of the Isles II Mat BarzalOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz