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Prom Baby
Steve Randle

Juliet Summers, She's a sweet Soc, always open to people, never quite mean or held grudges to certain people. Except the one she admired the most, Steve Randle. Juliet's heart would pump with love and rage each time she saw Steve, but his was just rage. They had never liked each other and it was certain they never would.

Juliet swung her bag onto her back as she pranced out the door. Today was prom, a full day of school and then pretty woman in beautiful dresses. Even the men would be glamorous. Juliet's mind was like a bee hive, every new thought was a bee coming in to make honey. But the same thought kept buzzing around in her head ~Steve in a suit~. Oh how dashing he'd look thought Juliet, he'd be just as gorgeous as the violets that bloomed all over the surrounding mountains in spring, turning them into beautiful purple, a view you could watch for hours.
The bell sung its usual deathly tune, the one that would burn ears right off. Juliet hoped inside, not caring for anyone in her path. Her body slammed down against someone else's "You bit-" "I'm so sorry!" Juliet cut him off, she didn't even glance at his face. She grabbed her books and sped off, hoping no one she knew would have seen that.
Throughout the school day, Juliet noticed Steve giving her death stares, but it wasn't his usual 'I hate her' stare, more of a 'That witch is going to die'. One of those stares you dreaded getting from your crush.

"Which dress should I wear?" Juliet asked her little sister Devyn, while she pulled a blue dress up to her chest and a pink dress draped over her arm. "Which one would hide your Chubb the most?" Juliets jaw dropped at Devyn's devilish response. "You're just jealous you don't have my body, maybe you would if you didn't sit on your ass and ate all the time" Juliet said, Devyn stormed away, fuming at her sisters rude remark.
Juliet ended up choosing her mother's prom dress, a beautiful pale pink, with glitter and lace strewn all over. The sleeves were a white mess, that elegantly opened up near the ends of the sleeves, which added flare to the body tight dress.
Juliet sat in the back of the gym, where prom was held. She didn't have a prom date, but all her friends did, as they danced away. The fruit punch Juliet sipped, was the best part of her night so far. ~Prom is over rated, this is horrible~ she thought. Her eyes scanned over the crowd and widened as they placed on Evie, Steve's girlfriend. Juliet almost coughed up all of the punch as she watched Evie frantically make out with another man. Her eyes fell on Steve, he watched Evie, tears forming in his eyes.
Steve ran, he pushed through people to get out of that damn gym, Juliet chased after high, using all the power she had in the tight dress, to keep up with him.
Steve sat on the ledge of main the stairs, tears streaming down his face. "Hey Steve. You alright?" Juliet asked, placing her soothing hand on his cheek, wiping away a few tears. "No.." Steve sobbed, tears flowing down his cheek like rivers and puddling on his knees. "You'll be fine, I promise. I wouldn't be surprised if Evie broke up with you, that back stabbing bitch has hurt many people before" Juliets voice trembled as Steve let out more tears. "Steve, it's alright to cry, you love her, I understand. But sometimes you gotta move on. Why don't we go back into that gym, have the time of our lives and make Evie jealous?" Steve slowly nodded. "I'm sorry for being so rude to you" Steve said. "I've just never really gotten to talk to you" "It's ok. I'm glad we get to talk a bit more. Steve, I've always had a.. a.. a thing for you.. like a crush" Steve started blushing, Juliet smiled at his nervousness towards her.
Steve held Juliets hand as they walked over to the gym. Songs blasted and they danced along with each other.
Prom concluded, leaving Cherry Valance as Prom Queen and Evie's hookup as the Prom King. Steve and Juliet ran out of that school as fast as they could. "Juliet, would you go out with me sometime?" Steve stammered. "Absolutely!" Juliet squealed with joy, her smile grew bigger and her cheeks became more red. Steve pulled her in and gave her a small kiss, which turned into a more passionate kiss. All the students walked by and would laugh or gasp, but Steve and Juliet has no care for them. No worry. They loved each other and it showed.

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