The Insiders ~ 1-3 • The Gang

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Chapter 1
I grabbed hold of Steve's arms as we rocked back and forth and the party. We came with Sandy and Sodapop, the boys even offered for Dallas and Sylvia to come, they broke up just this morning, that was a shit show, Sylvia cried on my shoulder for an hour then she threw a tantrum. I don't blame her. I don't like Dallas, not one bit. Steve and I met back up with Sandy and Soda. Sodas arm was wrapped around Sandy's neck, she didn't look too happy and I wanted to find out why. I'm the kind of girl that parties hard, is loud, but keeps secrets and everyone opens up to me. "Sandy Beach, wanna go have a weed outside and the boys can have some beer 'round here, I need some fresh air anyway" I asked, Sandy gave a small nod and followed me outside. She's a small blonde girl, 5'4" is my guess, I'm only a few inches taller and a year older. "What's been up in that ol' mind of yours?" I questioned, Sandy didn't give an immediate answer, after some moments of silence she gave in. "Evie, I gotta move to Florida" "Ehuh? What" I said blankly, my eyes blinked a few times, too many for me to count. "I'm pregnant, Eve, I can't be here no more and my parents would kill if I married Sodapop" "I sure hope to god that the baby's Sodapop's" "It ain't, Eve." Sandy said, her voice was sorrowful and full of regret. She continued, "Daddy forced me to bang this soc guy, I didn't want to. But he wanted me to so I could get away from Sodapop. He don't like him none." I almost felt like crying, Sandy is my best friend and I couldn't let her go. I felt like screaming, getting all the hate that is built up towards Sandy's dad out. I grabbed Sandy's arm and pulled her in for a hug. She sobbed into my shoulder. "Sandy, you call me everyday, ok?" "Oh, I will, don't doubt it" She said, I smiled and kissed her forehead. That's something us girls do, we kiss each other's foreheads to tell them that they're loved and appreciated, it ain't no romantic thing. "I sure will miss you, Sandy Beach" "Yeah, and I'll miss you, Christmas Eve"

Chapter 2
The next day was whack and boy, I wasn't ready at all. I usually wake up a lot later in the day, it was 12:54. I wanted to go see Sandy or Sylvia, maybe even Cherry. Mostly Sandy. I walked down the stairs, my mom stood there beside the dining room table. "Evelyn." She said, I spun around to face her. "Mhm?" "There's been a murder in Tulsa" "Well Shit" "It's best you don't go near that..." I didn't listen, half the time I never listened, I slipped on some shoes and skipped along the old sidewalk all the way to Sandy's house. I counted the stairs as I walked up, four in total. I gave four knocks on the door, it swung open quicker than a cheetah can run. Mr Moore stood there angrily. "She ain't here" he said. I couldn't help from laughing, his stomach was about to pop out from behind his shirt buttons. "Ok" I whimpered. He shut the door just as fast as he opened it. I roared up in laughter because of his fat stubby body. It hadn't hit me yet that Sandy had already left, finally it did hit me, like a wave of sharp ice surging through my body. Sandy was gone, gone for good. It hurt more than I thought it would. I thought about seeing Sodapop or Steve, it would be best for me. I started jogging past all the civilians, turning and stopping then starting again until I made it to the road where Soda's house is on and I started to run faster than ever before. I never looked back, my mistake, I almost got smashed by a logging truck. My legs felt like noodles, but I still had a few more steps. I grabbed hold of the old gate to the house. I swear I could've broken it off. I slammed open the door and stood there looking like a dying dog. "Sandy's gone" I said quietly, my voice half gone from running. "She's what?" Soda said. "Don't make this harder for him, Eve! His brother is gone and killed a guy!" "Well I didn't know!" "Just get out of here please. Soda ain't having a good time and your making it worse" "Well, Steven. If that's how you feel maybe I shouldn't see you ever again. You don't know what I'm going through" "Evie, it ain't like that, just shoo. Please" I slammed the door behind me as I left. God, Ponyboy killed someone?

Chapter 3
Cherry wailed and sobbed sitting on the end of the park bench. I learned it was Johnny who killed Bob, poor Cherry. That could've been anyone's boyfriend and it ended up being Cherry's. Her parents would kill us if they saw me with her. "Hey, Cherry, it's gonna be alright" I said, trying to calm her down, it didn't work. "YA THINK?" She screamed, I let her lean onto my shoulder. "I loved Bob with everything I had, I loved him till the end of time. He would buy me dresses and necklaces and rings and pretty flowers, just for me, all for me. We loved each other. It's just, he's not himself when he's drunk! He sure wouldn't have gotten killed, if it weren't for me, talking to anybody i see, trying to make friends. IT WAS MY FAULT!" I wanted to tell her to shut up about it being her fault, but I didn't want to seem like a middle class bitch. "Sherri, it ain't your fault. It's just how the world goes 'round. You get used to it... once in a while. It's hard to let someone go, I should know. But you're gonna have to, ok?" "yeah, ok" she whispered. Cherry is adorable, I never quite noticed how much of a softy she really is. "Cherry, you gonna be alright tonight? I mean, you could come to my place if you need some company or I bet Marcia Bennett is open for you to stay." "I think I'll be alright. Marcia probably has her hands full with Randy" "That could go one of two ways" I said, I smirked at the dirty joke. Cherry gasped and slapped my arm. "Evie! That's not funny" "It kind of was" "You're right ''I always am" That's a lie, usually I'm never right, speaking off which I can barely tell my left from my right! "Call me if you ever need someone to talk to" "I will" Cherry yelled back, I strolled through the park until my feet met the sidewalk, I darted towards home.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2021 ⏰

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