Horseshoe Turn • Sodapop

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The gun blew and they started, neck in neck, the racers went. I've always come to horse races to relieve myself, it's my happy place.

Watching all of the riders and horses go around on the track, made me forget all the bad things in the world. The man on the mic kept screaming out who was in the lead, never the person I had my money on.

I've had my money on 'Mickey Mouse' for awhile, I've always wanted to meet the rider, no clue what his name is, but he's admirable. I feel as if, today will be the day I meet him.

The race concluded, some guy 'Emerald Bay' won, who names their horse Emerald Bay? I snuck past people, into the stable where they brought the horses after the race. I looked around for either I sign saying "Mickey Mouse" or the hunk that rides him.

There he was, Mickey Mouse, truly a stunning horse. I put out my hand for the horse, which was soon to be shut down. "What are you doing?" "Nothing!" "You can't be in here and you don't be touching my horse" I looked at him in the eyes.

My god, he was gorgeous, his eyes, his hair, his face, his body, his voice. "I know, I just, wanted to come back here to find you" God, I was blunt, I embarrassed myself already.

"Me?" "Yeah, I've been placing my money on your horse" "Really?" "Yes" he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the stable. We found our way to his old rusty truck and both sat inside.

"Why'd you bring me here?" My voice was low and mellow, I didn't want to be a bitch to the guy. "I've never had someone want to come see me" he said, eyes shimmering in the light of the sun that fell through the window, almost perfectly.

"Maya, Maya Laurens" I stuck out my hand, he grabbed it without moving his face to look at mine. "Sodapop Curtis" "that's a nice name" "No it's not" "Yes it is!" "Sure, I hate it" "Well, I love it, it suits you, unique look, unique name" He smiled, I liked his smile, it was pretty, real pretty.

We talked for hours, until the sun was down and everyone was gone. Still by then we could've talked for hours longer. He drove me home, I was delighted, a hot boy driving little ol' me home.

"We better talk more sometime!" He said, smile even noticeable in the moon light. "Next race! Next week" I blew him a kiss goodbye, he laughed and drove off. Wow, was I ever falling head over heels for this guy.

The race started, I got a front row seat, so Sodapop would see me. The horses went on, racing after each other. My eyes kept watch of Sodapop, my smile grew bigger as he was taking the lead.

His horse jumped up, completely booting Sodapop off sideways onto the track, he landed directly in front of another rider. I screamed as the rider ran over him. Everyone stopped and gasped. I ran to him, out of instinct.

His body laid still, his face was scraped up, one leg was evidently snapped. "Soda?" I whimpered, nothing but air left his mouth. A force took me away as he was lifted onto a stretcher and pulled away. I had no idea how much I was crying, woman and wives came to support me.

I screamed and cried as the ambulance drove off, Sodapop brought me happiness for the past 2 years of my life and now there's a chance he might be gone and my happiness gone too.

I drove to the hospital, all I wanted was to be beside Sodapop, to hold him tight, to make sure he was ok. The waiting room was silent when I got there, I tried to be as quiet as the rest, but my tears were flowing.

A few hours past, I was allowed to go into his room. And I did. And I held his hand until he would wake up. I stared as his unconscious body, he had stitches and scrapes, had to go into surgery to fix some cracked ribs.

He looked horrible, I felt as if it were all my fault. It was wasn't it? "Maya?" I looked back at sodapop. His eyes were slightly open and a little smile formed on his face. "You scared me have to death! What the hell happened?" "There was a... a.. s-snake on the the track" he stuttered a lot more than usual.

"Fucking snake" I said, Sodapop chuckled then started coughing. "Don't make me laugh!" "I'm sorry!" I gave him a little kiss on the cheek, his smile grew even bigger.

The nurse walked in holding a few papers in her hand. "They figured out that snake was a plastic snake. Investigators are figuring out who placed it there" She said. "Fucking Fake Snake" I said. "I told you not to make me laugh!"

We laughed and talked for hours, I even fell asleep in the chair in his hospital room. We talked more and more and couldn't stop talking. It's like we've been best friends for years.

One of the other racers, the little shit that rides 'Emerald Bay' threw the snake down so he could win the race. Asshole. In my heart Sodapop and Mickey Mouse won that race. Sodapop won life, he fought to live, he raced against time to survive. A hero in his own world.

Sodapop was let out two weeks later, I took him to the beach at midnight, to listen to the water crashing along the shoreline and watch the stars shine and shimmer gloriously.

"Maya, did I ever tell you how pretty you are?" "You haven't, but I don't want to hear your compliments, I might blush or something" "then I won't give you compliments" and he kissed me, I kissed him, we kept kissing and kissing and kissing. It was amazing.

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