Daisy ~ 1-5 • Dallas/Twobit

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Chapter 1
Life felt useless at the moment, same old same old. Chasing after guys felt dumb, maybe I should let them chase after me.

I looked myself up and down in the mirror, my wet blonde hair hung down by my shoulders, it looked wavy though when it dries it turns straighter than a pole. I threw on a polo shirt and a black skirt, I looked like a dad and his daughter got their wardrobes mixed. I marched out of the bathroom and almost got run over by two of my younger siblings. "Watch yourselves!" I said. "Ok Daisy!" One of them said back. I'm the oldest of 5 and I'm the only blonde in the house. I wondered why I didn't have my mom's hair or my dad's hair, and I wondered why I was 8 years older than my second oldest sibling, but it didn't matter. I walked out of my house, I wanted to go see Twobit, we went on dates a few times but now we just hung out as friends, it was easier for both of us. I saw Dallas Winston, Johnny Cade and another kid trying to hit on a girl, I felt jealous of that girl. Dallas looked over at me, he winked then went back to talking to the girl. My heart fluttered for a second.

Twobit tried balancing a beer bottle on a fence, I told him he was crazy. "It's going to smash" "it's worth a try" he said as he let go of the bottle, the bottle balanced for a second and then fell on the ground and smashed. "You should clean that up" "it's fine" He said, I cocked my eyebrow just like how Twobit would. "Using my thing against me?" "Yes sir" I laughed, nudging his shoulder. "Hey Two! Daisy!" Soda said, bouncing up behind us, "Heard a drag race is going down later tonight!" Soda's big movements and bright smile made me giggle. "I'll go with you," I said. Soda gave a quick smile and looked over at Two "Twobit, will you come too?" "Depends, I was thinking of getting boozed up, but if I'm not blackout drunk I might show up" Twobit said. I rolled my eyes, I don't like beer, I prefer a nice bottle of wine. "It's always 'bout beer for Two" Steve chimed in, pulling himself out from underneath Darry's truck.

"And Blonde chicks" I said, laughing at my own blonde hair. "That's why he went for you" "Shut it Steve" We all up roared in laughter. I noticed Dallas out of the corner of my eye, he was walking towards the Curtis house. I didn't like him that much, he got on my nerves quite easily. "What y'all laughing about, huh?" Dallas said, stroking his hair with his big hands. "Twobit and Blonde chicks" Soda said, Dallas looked over at me, I wanted to gag. "Dal's into blonde chicks, Sylvia is a prime example" Steve said while rubbing some car oil along Soda's face. It's funny how those two boys put up with each other. "Dallas is into any chick" I scoffed "Nah man, I dig illegal things" I rolled my eyes to which Dallas winked at.

Chapter 2
I sat on a curb with Sodapop, we drank coca cola together, neither of us drank much, we just got drunk on life. "No ones going fast, there aren't any feuds between the drivers. This sucks" Sodapop said, I looked over at him and gave a nice smile, "maybe you should start a fight with someone and then race them" "I would if I had a car" "You could get a chicks car with your looks" "Darry would kill me, so its a simple no" "Ok" I said, leaning my head on my fist. I took a sip of my coke and stared at a passing car, it was going straight towards the drag racers that were speeding up the road. "Soda! Look!" I got up from the curb and peeped around a truck, people were walking into the street to watch, gasping and screaming.

The three cars collided with dust and smoke rising from every which way. The two drag race drivers were able to get out of their cars barely hurt, Soda and I couldn't tell if the other people were ok. Ambulances, firetrucks and police cars arrived, it turned out that the other car was a mother, a father and a toddler. The father had major injuries, the mom was fine and the toddler had minor injuries. "That's no good" I said, we had wandered over to Steve, Twobit and Evie. "You think?" Steve said, getting a good glance at the smashed car on the tow truck. I looked over Evie's shoulder and saw Dallas. He was staring towards us, I saw him how other girls did for a minute, he looked attractive, I knocked the thought away and tried to focus on the conversation, but my mind kept wandering over to Dallas. Dallas. Dallas. Dallas.

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