The Only Love That Scared Me ~ 2:1, 1-4 • Steve

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Chapter 1

March 7 1965 9:08am
The morning sun gleamed through the window, Steve's peaceful body laid next to me, sound asleep with a slight snore. I loved watching him sleep, it was the thing that kept me alive, his big strong persona left for a while while he slept. I couldn't live without the man, he made my world, he made me the happiest woman on the planet. The cold floor freezing my feet, making them ache from the numbness "Jesus, my god is this ever cold!" I said, I looked back at Steve to see if he heard my little line for I didn't want my sweet boy to wake up.

I made it down to the main floor, where sat Sandra Randle, Steve's mother, one of the nicest, most caring and sincere woman I've ever met. "Good morning Sandra!" "Good mornings Cassidy" Her voice danced through my ears, it was so soft and perfect, always seemed to brighten my day. She brought out a cup of coffee, some sugar and a pitcher of milk, for me to start off my day. I slouched down in the armchair, directly across from the warm fireplace that burned calmly. The coffee burned my throat, it was hot but I was so cold, I didn't mind it. "How was your night? What'd you two get up to? Any little greaser soon to be running around?" Mrs Randle joked. "No ma'am, I ain't ready to have kids for another 8 years! Kids seem so difficult, especially if they turn out like Steve, now that would be a handful!" Sandra laughed hysterically, causing me to chuckle at my own little joke.

I heard a few foot steps from upstairs and watched as my dreamy boyfriend shuffled down the stairs. He looked so tired and uncertain. "Get a good sleep?" I asked. He grumbled and walked towards the kitchen. "I'm guessing it wasn't the best" Sandra said, straightening her posture in her chair. I agreed to her statement "Princess and the pea" "He really is a princess" We laughed, I always joked about Steve with Mrs Randle, we both made fun of him in the most loving way possible. 

Steve stumbled back into the living room, where Mrs Randle and I were both situated, two slices of toast in his hand. He passed one over to me and shoved the other one in his mouth. He sat his muscular body down on top of my minuscule girly body. "You big baby! You're gonna kill me" "It's what I do, I am a big baby" Steve mocked. I kissed his neck, making him flinch, he turned his head to me and laid a kiss on my lips, his lips were the softest thing in the world, always making me want to melt to the ground.

"Trying to play Mr Heart breaker aren't you!" "We've been together since I was 14, you'd been around 13, I couldn't break your heart" "And I'm still a virgin!" "Subject to change" "Yea right" I said, digging my head into Steve's shoulder, hiding my rosy red cheeks. Steve always had a good way to come back at me, what ever I said, he'd always make me feel less dominant. "Well, I was gonna hang out with Soda and Two, if you wanna join" "I don't want to bother you and your friends, I'll stay here and help clean the house with your mother" "Alright whatever" Steve said as he slid out the door. "I love you" I whispered. The door had already shut, he wouldn't have heard me anyways with his ears.

Chapter 2
March 7 1965 3:42pm
I fiddled around with a few Knick knacks in the bathroom cupboard, Mrs Randle was never gonna have use for any of the little trinkets, she's a hoarder, she never throws anything out. She still has letters Steve wrote in kindergarten and letters he wrote when he was 16. It's her little quirk, she doesn't like letting go of the past, I see why, being a mother and all, you probably wouldn't want to let go of your baby.

I waltzed over to the kitchen, Sandra scrubbing vigorously at plates. "You really want to keep everything? You ain't gonna need those baby clothes anytime soon" "Well you and Steve will one day. So they're a keeper" Mrs Randle said protectively. She always came up with random excuses to keep things from who knows when, nothing will be thrown out till the day she dies. "You really are a hoarder!"I said, Mrs Randle blew a piece of hair out of her face and turned towards me. "I'm not a hoarder, I'm a provider" "Mhm, I believe you-"

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