The Boy That Came Into The Bookshop ~ 6-10 - Ponyboy

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Chapter 6

School had finally started about a week later. I hadn't seen Ponyboy at all, I missed him. I don't know his number or even his address. I walked into the school and quite slipped through the halls and into room 207. I sat down at a desk in the back corner, not realizing who I was sitting behind. Ponyboy Curtis. I tapped him on the shoulder, he ignored me, I tapped him again. "Stop" he whispered. "Haven't been to the shop lately, you should come this weekend" I said, hoping he would listen to me. "No" "Why not" I asked, slumping back down into my seat. "Because of how rude you are to my girlfriend" He said, my jaw dropped. I almost launched my book bag at the back of Ponyboy's neck. I was mad. "Margaret?" I said whilst trying to keep my cool. "Yes Margaret" He said with an angry whisper tone. I wanted to get out of this class already, I never knew you could want to get away from your crush, but I did. Class ended, it was purely just saying our names and something that we enjoy the most and how our summer went. I ran as fast as I could to the washroom and snatched one of the stalls. I started crying into my cardigan. Why did Margaret always steal things from me, always. She had no reason to.

Chapter 7

Weeks turned into months, my job never got better, in fact it got worse since Ponyboy never showed. Christmas was just around the corner. I thought maybe I could find out where Ponyboy lived and buy him a christmas present. I tapped my finger on my thigh behind the counter of the book shop and thought. He mentioned a kid named Samuel? No. Sadie? No. So it started with So... I looked towards the drink sitting on the counter, it was a pepsi, my favorite Soda. SODA! That's his name! Sodapop. I wrote his name down on a paper and nudged it into my shirt pocket. The next day I scurried over to the school office. "Hey there little lady. What'ya need" The front desk lady asked. "Im looking for a Sodapop, like a boy" "Oh. Um, lemme check the student book" "Student book?" "Where all the names of students and their parents phone numbers are, we get it renewed every year" I tapped my foot on the ground and shoved my hands in my pockets. "Don't seem like we have one here. Might've graduated or dropped out" "Oh.. Thanks anyways" I said, as I marched out the door, maybe I'll find someone who will know. I roamed around the school looking for a short but old boy that would sometimes come around and bug Ponyboy. Suddenly I saw him picking on some girls. "Two Bit!" I said. "That's my name! Do I know you?" "No, but that's not the point" "Well, maybe we should get to know each other" "I'm in a hurry right now. Do you know a Sodapop? And If so, where can I find him?" "Yup. In a grocery store, usually in a frigerator" "Not the drink" "I know, I know. At the DX, he works there full time" "Thank you!" I said as I ran off to my next class.

Chapter 8

I ran to the DX after school, almost dropping papers out of my book bag. One boy was there, his hair greased back like Ponyboy's and his striking looks. He looked like Ponyboy. "You must be Sodapop Curtis?" I said, hesitantly putting out my hand. He shook it and gave me a strong smile. "That's me! And you are?" "Christie, Christie Rivera" "So? What exactly did you want?" "Your mailing address" Sodapop gave me a crazy look of shock. "Oh! Uh.. I'm friends with Ponyboy and I want to send him a gift" "It's still creepy. I ain't giving out my address to someone I've never met or heard of." "Fine. I understand. I'll bring his present to you for christmas and you can give it to him!" I suggested. Sodapop smirked. "That'll work" "Great! Thanks, uh, Bye!" and I ran off watching carefully for ice under my feet.

Chapter 9

I slipped the two books --Catch-22 and I know why the caged bird sings-- into my backpack. I laid some cash in the register, because I guess I bought them from myself. I knew Ponyboy would like these, it would be my gift to him. I leaned forward over the counter and looked to the door, waiting for someone to walk in. Finally a customer came in. He was tall and well built, looked strong like he could punch a concrete wall and it'd shatter. He suffered through aisles endlessly, I started raising concerns. "Can I help you, sir?" I called out, his head popped up from the aisle and stared directly at me, a wave of fear struck my body. He hobbled up to the counter and put his arms on the front counter. I gulped down the lump in my throat and asked again. "Can I help you?" "to be honest, I got no clue what I'm looking for. I got a bit of extra cash and I'm wanting to get my little brother's presents for christmas, keep up the holiday spirit a little at least" He said, he smiled and looked around. "What age are your brothers? That could help with finding books" "Well the one that reads, he's fourteen, I doubt I could get my other brother to even touch a book" He said, I giggled lightly. The guy reminded me of Ponyboy and his two other brothers, Soda and Darry... Soda would never pick up a book. "Hold on, is your name Darry?" I asked. He gave me a shocked look that turned into a deathly stare. "How'd you know?" "I used to be friends with Ponyboy. He uh got a girlfriend and dropped me because she told him lies" "Oh. Well thanks for an excuse to get that girl out of my house, she's been ruining Pony's grades and she's so rude" "I know she's rude, anyways, Ponyboy might like any of the books over in that section" I pointed to the far right corner of the store. "I already bought him so books as well, I don't know anything else he likes" "I don't either kid, I never pay attention to him, I feel bad for doing it but I'm always busy and tired that I never have time to listen" He said as he walked away, I glanced toward the door and back at Darry, Pony has some sweet Brothers.

Chapter 10

Christmas passed, I gave the wrapped books to Soda and I hoped Pony had opened it. I also wrote a letter, a letter full of the horrendous things Margaret has done and what really happened at the bookstore. He probably wouldn't believe it because Margaret would tell him otherwise, but I took my chance. I looked at the clock on my bedroom wall thinking that maybe if I looked away and then looked back the time would change and I'd be at school again and able to talk to Ponyboy. It was no use, the time didn't change, the noises of the house didn't change, the snow falling outside didn't change, the echoing of the cars didn't change, the purs of my cat didn't change. Nothing changed. I decided to go to the lake, it froze over real nicely, I brought my skates with me while I walked to the lake. I realized on the walk there, I don't really know how to skate. I got to the lake and sat down on a bench, I wanted to learn how to skate, so dad bought me skates, but no one would teach me. I felt the bench wobble a bit, someone just sat down right beside me. "Christie?" They said, I slowly looked over, Ponyboy sat there with his skates tied up. "Hi" I said. "Hey, I'm sorry. I knew something was up with Margaret, she got in my head. I want us to hangout more" He said, I smiled and looked at my skates. "Do you know how to skate?" I asked. "Yeah, I do" "Mind teaching me?" "I don't mind" He said, we exchanged sweet smiles. That's how i spent my afternoon, laughing, falling even exchanging kisses with The boy that came to the bookstore.

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