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1st Grade

1st Grade, Mia played with her Barbies in the sand pit all alone. No one liked her, she was lonely a lot of the time, but never had a care for it, she had her dog Soy Bean —named by her mother who was going through a soy bean craze— she sang a long to little tunes that played through her head and danced her barbies to it.

A young boy sat down beside Mia, he pulled out a toy car and started driving it around the barbies, making a little nyow sound. Mia stared at him, memorized that she might get a new friend and it'd be a boy.

"Hi! My names Dallas! What's yours?" Dallas gave out his hand, he grinned happily. Mia hesitated and fiddled with the barbies slightly. "My- my names M-Mia" she laid her hand on his and he shook it lightly. "Nice to meet you Mia! You're really pretty by the way. Wanna play?" Dallas was so sincere, Mia couldn't resist but to spend her recess with him.

7th grade, Mia watched Dallas play his football game against the other junior secondary school in Tulsa. He tackled people and ran a few times, Mia understood not much of it, by wanted to show her care and support anyways.

Dallas stopped in his tracks on the field and waved over at Mia. His smiled sweetly, happy that she took the time to come. Mia waved back, leaning closer like if she were about to hug him. All of a sudden Dallas's body was flung to the ground, being tackled on top of by guys way buffer than him and looked as if they already went through puberty.

All the boys got up, except Dallas, he stayed there on the ground. Parents and coach's were running up to him and so did Mia. He looked knocked out completely, he had a few bruises on his face and arms. His coach picked him up to bring him off the field, his arm laid over the coach's arm and everyone shrieked at the sight.

His arm was as broken as broken could be, it bent in the middle of his forearm and looked painful as all hell. Luckily he was asleep and would most likely not be seeing or necessarily feeling the agony. Mia walked alongside the coach and passed out Dallas, trying to keep up with the coach's pace. "Maybe Football ain't his sport" Mia said "You get distracted, you get hurt. Dallas knows this." The coach said, almost like reciting a poem.

Dallas was awake in the hospital, he got his arm all cast up and ready. "You idiot" Mia said, "I'm not very distracting" "Shut it, sometimes I get distracted, I was surprised you came to my game" Dallas said, looking straight onwards at a poster of the human body. "I came to your game, because I wanted to hang out afterwards." Dallas moved his gaze to Mia and back at the poster. "I'll beat your head in" "Why!" Mia said, closer to a yell. "I'm joking!" "Not funny Dal"

1965, the big 17 year mark for Mia and Dallas. It was Mia's birthday party, Dallas had thrown it at Buck's place. Mia swam through the crowd of people just trying to find Dallas, she barely knew half of these people, the rest were pretty much strangers. Finally Dallas sat on the couch, drinking hard liquor with a bunch of other guys.

His face was chiseled and was a lot more defined, a body that suit him real well, a deep voice that didn't squeak each time he talked, beautiful dark hair that fell beautifully over his face, no more pimples, he had an intimidating look to him now. He's stunning. He became more of a jailbird after he broke his arm, but Mia had no care for that. Dallas was still her best friend since day 1.

"When did you start drinking that shit?" Mia said, crossing her arms and looking stern, almost like a mother. "It's nothing Mia." Dallas looked away, he never acted like this before. "Well what is it?" "Nothing!" Dallas's voice sounded concerning. "What are you hiding from me Dallas!" Mia cried, a few tears shed from her eyes. Mia ran out, Dallas never acted like this, he's always sweet to her and open, but tonight, it was almost like he had no care for her.

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