I dont want to be a soc ~ 9-11 • Ponyboy

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Chapter 9
"Keep your head up. Smile! Straighten your back!" My Dad yelled directions at me so I could 'learn' how to be a proper soc. It was the worst time of my life. I had a shirt pink dress on and makeup, jewelry. I looked like I was thrown into a box of glitter and princesses and then got pulled out a little before the full princess transformation was done. I had to show my mom and dad that I could be a soc, so I walked around the dinning room over and over again while they watched. "That's more like it sweetie!" My mom cheered, more like what? Hell. It sure felt like that. Cherry watched, she knew I was uncomfortable, I could tell by the look she was giving me. After hours of 'training' my dad broke the news to me, that I had to go on a dinner date with his friends son tomorrow night. I wasn't excited at all, why can't they just understand, that I ain't made out to be a soc. That night, I laid in my bed with the lights off, unable to sleep. All I had on my mind was this stupid dinner date and how much I missed Ponyboy. I didn't have my guitar, so I couldn't calm myself down, all I had was this girly room and a bunch of disappointed parents. I considered jumping out the window a few times and hiding at Pony's place, changing my entire appearance and name. But that wasn't gonna happen. Soon enough, through all my tears and my thoughts, I fell asleep.

Chapter 10
I woke up at around 11 the next day. I really didn't want to go on this dinner date, but I had to. I sat up and saw a dress laying at the end of my. It was a deep blue with buttons that were pointless of the front, it was a pretty dress, but I still didn't want to wear it. "If I could find my platform boots and a jean jacket, it could go nice with the dress and fishnet stockings. I searched through my closet to find my platform boots under the mess of dirty laundry and shoes. Finally I found them, the laces were all tied up and the boots were dirty, I didn't care, if just untie the laces and slip em on later. I snuck into Cherry's room and stole her fishnet stockings and threw them on top of the dress and went to my closet to grab the jean jacket. I was going to look cute, but not in this kids league what so ever and it would definitely dissatisfy my parents. I went down to the kitchen to grab some toast for breakfast and went to watch tv with cherry in the living room. Cherry had put on some sort of rom com movie, it wasn't very interesting, but I had not much else to do than eat my toast and worry about the dinner date. "So you excited Y/n?" My dad popped up behind me, cherry looked over, slightly mad someone had interrupted her focusing on the movie. "Yea.. I guess" I rolled my eyes, my dad laid his hands on my shoulder, which I quickly
swivelled away from. "Don't sound so bummed, that's how I met your father! And it's how Cherry met bob" My mom came to reassure me that everything was going to be alright. I rested my head in my hands and sighed, trying to seem all annoyed. "You'll have a great time! He's super nice and you'll fall in love with him straight away" My mom lifted my head out of my hands, I rolled my eyes and she frowned. "Don't be like this Y/n, you can't judge something because you don't know it yet" my mom walked away. Yea, yea, all this 'YoU cAnT jUdGe SoMeThInG bEcAuSe yOu dOnT KnOw iT yEt' what a joke. They can't change me, and they'll never understand that. I went up to my room, so I could pass the time and get the day over with. I read a book, wrote down lyrics for a song, drew a bit. Finally it was time to get this dinner date over with, I put on my outfit and a bunch of rings, I did my makeup and walked down the stairs. "Y/n." My dad said in disappointment looking at me. "You want me to go on this date, I might as well be myself." I stared him right in the eyes. "I don't want you to go out like that" he said "well I don't want to go on this date." I gave him sass, made sure he understood that I really did not want to go. "If you ask me to change, then I won't go on this date" my dad sighed and looked me up and down. "Fine, now go on, it looks like he has just arrived" my dad opened the door and I walked out to a white mustang. The car looked like it had just come out of a car wash, I opened the passenger door and sat down. "Hello, beautiful" the boy said, staring at me. "Call me by my name. Y/n" I said, scooting closer to the window. "Come on, have a little fun. My names Joshua" he started driving down the road to a local steak house. I had never liked this place, it was too fancy. We were placed at a table farther in the back of the restaurant, music was playing and a bunch of people were talking loudly. I felt uncomfortable, very out of place. I had one hand on the table and the other hand holding up my face, Joshua placed his hand on top of mine, which I quickly swiped away. He wasn't gonna hold my hand if I had something to do about it. He talked and talked about cars and how stunning I was, but he mocked my outfit choice. I was fired up, I wanted out, I wanted to scream in his face and run out of the restaurant. But I kept my cool. After the dinner, we got into his car and he drove me home. Once we arrived at my house, we both got out of the car, he grabbed my hands and pulled me in to kiss him. I pushed him away. "What do you think you're doing?!" I yelled, he looked shocked, he probably never has had a girl reject a kiss from him. "Don't ever touch me! Or for that matter truly and kiss me! You're disgusting!" He grumbled and I ran into the house, I ran straight up the stairs into my room and slammed the door as hard as I could, so everyone in the house would hear it. I started crying, I pressed my head into a pillow and let myself cry and cry, but I couldn't get all my emotions out. "Y/n!" I heard my dad yell, he stormed into my room and stared at me. "You've got to be kidding me! Why are you like this! You rejected him! That's not what you're supposed to do! Be a lady not a friend! That's it. You're getting put in an all girls school!" I sat there in silence for a good minute. "Id rather be in an all girls school! I wouldn't have to deal with you or go on any dates! I HATE YOU!" I cried. My dad grabbed my book and threw it at me in rage, I screamed as loud as I could "YOU'RE A HORRIBLE FATHER!" He left my room and slammed the door. My heart dropped, no one loved me. Absolutely no one, I had no one left to turn to, there's nothing left that I could do. Cherry didn't even come to talk to me that night, she probably didn't care about me either. I was so fed up with this household, I looked at the clock, it was 2:00 am. Everyone had gone to sleep, I stared at the window. I knew exactly what I was going to do, I packed a bag with some clothes and my book. I opened the window carefully and popped out the screen, I got through the window and jumped onto the roof over top of the patio. I made it out at least, all I needed to do was get off this roof and out of my yard. I walked over to the edge of the roof and looked down at the drop, it wasn't too high, but I was still very scary. "On three, one, two, three!" I jumped down onto the ground, the impact hurt my feet a little, but I'd get over it. I started running towards the gate, I pushed the gate open and ran. I made it to the north end of town and just had to find my way to the lot, it want too hard. I just needed to find either the lot or the DX and I would know where to go. It was dark out, as it should be at 2 am, so it was more difficult to find my way around. I got this though, I lived here for 2 weeks. I saw the DX and started running, I knew where I was now. I made it to the lot and slammed my bag down beside the tire swing, Ponyboy had left it up. It had been a couple weeks since I'd been to the lot of seen any of the gang. I leaned up against the tree to let my self breath for a bit, until I fell asleep.

Chapter 11
The sun woke me up at 6 am, I was cold and hungry, but i didn't think to grab money. It'll be alright, I could just go to the Curtis's place, but I didn't want to see Ponyboy just yet. I'll wait till he's done school, I forgot about school, I still thought it was the weekend. I tried to fall asleep again, by hiding my face under my bag. I got a bit more sleep but not a lot, i woke up again at 8 and decided just to walk around to maybe find some money laying around on the street. I don't know what I was thinking, there wouldn't be any money on the ground and there wasn't, I looked around for almost two hours to find something, but I found absolutely nothing. I ended up near the DX and wanted to go say hi to Sodapop and Steve. "Hey Soda! Hey Steve!" I said they both looked up. "Well if it isn't Ponyboy's girlfriend!" Steve laughed, he always teased us because me and pony were friends. Soda smiled "Haven't seen you in awhile, how come" "Family stuff. It got real bad, I had to get out." "Pony'll be real excited to see you" Steve has already started working again, while Soda and I talked. "Yeah, I'm quite excited to see Ponyboy, I missed him." We caught up for a while and it made me really happy that I got to see Soda and Steve, I missed everyone from the gang. "Well, I better get back to work or Steve will be angry" I smiled "well I'll be at the lot, don't tell Pony anything or I'll kill you!" I said walking off, Soda gave me a thumbs up and got to work. I went back to the lot and read my book for a while, sang a bit just to waste time, all I wanted to do was see Ponyboy. That's all. I looked down at my watch it was around 5 o'clock. My stomach growled, I was starving, but what the hell was I supposed to do. There was nothing I could do. I heard foot steps nearing where I was sitting, I looked over my shoulder super quickly and saw someone walking towards me. I quietly through my bag on and hid in a bush beside the tree I was at. It was Ponyboy, he grabbed on to the tire swing and just stood there looking at the sunset. He was gorgeous, the way he stared at the sunset, the way his hair was swiped back so neatly. I crawled out of the bush and stood up. "Ponyboy?" He swung his head to my direction. "Y/n!" I ran towards him and wrapped my arms around him so tightly. He hugged me back and I didn't want to let go, we swayed back and forth. I couldn't stop smiling, I was so happy to be around Ponyboy. "I missed you a whole hell of a lot" I said, moving my head to a more comfortable position on his shoulder. "I missed you too" we let go of our hug and sat down on the ground. "Y/n, while your hear, I gotta tell you something" I got nervous, what was he going to tell me. "Yeah, what is it?" He looked nervous "I.. I love you!" He blurted out, I was shocked, I didn't expect that. "I mean, like I like you. More than a friend, because you're really nice and you care about so many people, you're funny and pretty" he lifted his eyes and looked at me. No one loved me, at least I thought, no one loved me as much as Ponyboy did. I started crying, I crawled over and sat on his lap and gave him the biggest hug I could ever give someone. "I love you too" I said in a very light high pitch voice, still crying. "Why are you crying?" Pony said nervously. "No one has ever loved me like you do pony. Not my father not my mother, not even Cherry. No one has ever loved me as much as I love them" I kept crying on his shoulder. I was so happy, the boy of my dreams was in love with me. He peeled me off his shoulder and stared me in the eyes. He leaned in and gave me a kiss, it was a moment to cherish, the kiss was soft but made me feel like we had such a strong love connection. I was blushing so much, I looked like a tomato. "Y/n?" Pony brushed my hair out of my face. "Will you be my girlfriend" I smiled and leaned in for another kiss. "Of course I will" That night was one that I'll remember forever, the sunset was beautiful and I was there with the boy of my dreams. I liked it better with the greasers then with the socs and I ain't ever going back. I don't want to be a soc.

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