Bad at love • Twobit

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Twobit and Kasey are going through some things, Kasey breaks up with two because he was drunk and was hitting on Marcia. Kasey then kisses Steve in front of twobit, Two bit sees Kasey at prom and asks her to marry him.

Twobit's beady eyes stared right at me. I didn't want to talk to him, he made me mad right now. "Why'd you say that?" He finally spoke, his words burned like a fire storming up a tree and turning it into ash.

"I didn't say it because I meant it, I said it in the moment" "you know I'm sensitive about that shit" "Keith, just shut up already! I can't stand you!" Keith's eyes opened wider, tears forming, face saddening, mouth frowning.

"You don't just bring up the death of Dally and Johnny for no fucking reason, you insensitive shit. Won't you just tell me your at least sorry or you still love me, Kasey?" "You brought up my brother." "Dallas and Johnny weren't my fault though" "And my brother wasn't my fault either! He found that shit and he took it!" I screamed.

He wrapped his arms around me, so soft, so calm. "I'm sorry" he whispered, his voice sounded cracky from holding back cries. "I love you" I said, as I laid my head lightly onto his chest. I felt bad for what I had said, it was rude of me and I wish we could both put our scary lives in our pasts.

I was hanging out at the Curtis's, talking with the gang. Twobit and Steve had gone out to the movies just for the fun of it. I didn't mind, I'd hang out with the others.

Steve came running through the door, on the edge of passing out. He was panting and pacing back and fourth. "Kasey." "Steve what's wrong?" "Come" So I did, I followed him to the drive in.

There he was, Keith Matthews, hitting on that damn soc Marcia. I felt anger rise in me, I walked closer, but stopped, I didn't want to talk to him. I turned towards Steve, no tears fell from my eyes. I felt numb.

I kicked over a chair making a loud crash. Staring directly at that cheating bitch. I didn't say a word. "Keith" Steve said, getting closer to him. "Kasey, it's not what it looks like" "Yea shut it with that shit. This is over, all this. I don't want to date a cheater. We are done"

Keith's face saddened, his eyes widened and voice became cracky when he talked to Steve. I stormed away, not wanting anything to do with them, ever again.

I ran back to the Curtis's place. I was crying, balling my eyes out. It hurt, I was hurt. "Kasey?" Sodapop said, staring at me with his sweet bug eyes. "I'm fine." "You sure as hell aren't. You're crying" "Just Shut up Soda"

"Kasey. What's wrong?" Johnny budded in to the conversation, taking Soda's place. "Fucking Keith, hitting on other women. That guy is a lunatic" "You two aren't together anymore, I'm guessing" "Yeah, no shit. I ain't gonna date a cheater" "I'm sorry Kasey"


It was the night of prom, I already bought a dress before Keith and I broke up. He never saw the dress, but I thought I'll have him on his knees begging for me back.

I walked into the gymnasium, everyone was dancing around, there stood Keith, in his Tux. I caught eye contact with him, he motioned me to come towards him, stupidly I did, I gave into his puppy dog eyes, the thing that got me into the relationship.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me outside of the school. "Keith. I don't want to be around you" "then why did you come to me?" I paused, he knew exactly why I walked over to him. I was still in love with him.

Stubbornly I turned away, about to walk back into the school. "Kasey!" I turned back around. Keith knelt down and had a box open with a small beautiful ring. "Will you marry me" "Two, you know I- we- but-" "Kasey?" "yes" I gave in.

I ran up to him and swung my arms around him, I couldn't stay mad at him, I knew he didn't mean any harm, but I always took everything to the core, he loved that about me.

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