3 - The forest

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The leaves crunched underfoot as they made their way through the thick forest, chatting amiably as they did. Willow suddenly tripped over a particularly stubborn branch, and fell into Caspian.


He didn't see her fall, only heard, and was just as surprised when she fell on top of him, taking them both down to the ground. She lay on top of him, and they stared at each other for a moment. Willow hastily climbed off him, and brushed her dress off as he got up. He stumbled slightly, and she instinctively grabbed his hand to steady him. His eyes travelled up from their intertwined hands to her face, and she made to pull away, but he held in firmly.

"In case you fall again." He said, smiling, and she nodded quickly. They walked in silence for a little, still holding hands, until Caspian spoke up again.



"Do you really not know who I am? I know that sounds horribly self absorbed, but really?"

"Prince Caspian-"

"Just Caspian, please."

"Caspian, I don't remember anything from before the woods, I'm sorry. But enough about me, please. Who are you?"

"You know I am, sort of. I already told you about my uncle, and the story kind of unfolds itself. But Willow, if you don't mind me asking..."


"Why did you say, "You'll need me", earlier? You sounded like you knew something I didn't."

Oh, right. Willow suddenly remembered she hadn't told him about her powers yet.

"Caspian, I- wait, what was that?" A rustle in the bushes behind them made them both turn around, and Willow frowned. She dropped Caspian's hand, and stepped towards the trees.

"We can hear you, you know."

The guilty faces of Nikabrik and Trufflehunter crawled out from behind the trees, and towards them.

"I just think we should wait for the High Kings and Queens, that's all." Trufflehunter began, but Willow silenced him with a glare. She rolled her eyes and the pair made to walk away, but Trufflehunter called out a again.

"Fine! Go then! See if the others will be as understanding!"

Nikabrik joined in. "Or maybe we'll come with you. I want to see you explain things to the Minotaurs!"

Caspian turned around. "Minotaurs? They're real?"

Willow smiled. "And very bad tempered. But don't worry, I'll protect you." She added, with a small smirk.

Caspian was intrigued. "What about centaurs? Do they still exist?"

"Well, they'll probably fight on our side, but there's no telling what the others might do." Willow told him, and he paused.

"What about Aslan?"

Willow and the two Narnians stopped walking. They looked at each other, and back to Caspian.

"How do you know so much about us?" Nik demanded, and Caspian answered quickly.


"Wait, your father told you stories of Narnia?" Trufflehunter was confused, but tried not to show it.

"No, my professor, he..." Caspian trailed off, and started again. "Listen, I'm sorry. These are not the kind of questions you should be asking." He stalked off, and brushed past Willow, not even looking at her.

Willow looked to Trufflehunter, who was sniffing the air. "Caspian, hold on!" She shouted, and he turned briefly. "What is it, Trufflehunter?"


Nik nodded towards Caspian. "Him?"

"No. Them."

Suddenly, the cries of several soldiers rang through the forest, and Willow looked at Caspian in alarm as the line of soldiers held up crossbows and aimed.

"Run!" Caspian yelled, and the four of them ran for cover. Arrows flew past them, and Willow had never been more terrified. Then she heard Trufflehunter cry out, and turned in horror to see him lying on the ground, an arrow in his back.

"Nik, he's hurt!" She cried, and the others turned around. She made a move towards him, but Caspian pushed her back.

"Wait, I'll go." He picked up Trufflehunter, and stood his ground as the soldiers came closer. Willow hid behind a tree, and watched as Trufflehunter handed Caspian the horn. Caspian stashed it away, and was about to leave, when suddenly a soldier fell to the ground and the sound of a sword cut through the air.
The soldiers continued to fall, one by one, and Willow watched in anticipation.

Caspina picked up Trufflehunter, and ran, but Willow called out to him.

"Wait! Don't worry!"
He glanced at her, panicked, and she sighed before running after him. She stood beside him as he drew his sword, and watched as the final soldiers fell.
Suddenly, Caspian was flipped backwards and a large mouse bearing a sword and wearing a hat landed on top of him.

"Choose your last words carefully, Telmarine!" The mouse shouted, and Caspian's eyes widened at the sight of it.

"You are a mouse?"

"I was hoping for something a little more original." The mouse sighed, and pointed his word at Caspian's, which had fallen on the ground bevy to him.

"Pick it up." He instructed, and Caspian shook his head.

"No thank you."

"Pick it up! I will not fight an unarmed man!"

"Which is why I might live longer if I choose not to cross blades with you, noble mouse."

"I said I would not fight you. I don't say I'd let you live!" The mouse shouted, and Willow decided to intervene.

"Reepicheep, there is no need to fight him." She smiled, and the mouse took her in for the first time.


"In the flesh. Now please, don't kill my friend. He's the one who blew the horn."

Reepicheep was positively stunned. "What?"

"Then let him bring it forward. This is the reason we have gathered." Another voice, deeper this time, rang out, and a herd of Centaurs walked out of the trees.

Willow gave a slight curtsy, and the head centaur smiled.

"Willow of the Forest, we meet again."

"It seems we do. Now, will you let Caspian here explain himself, before you accuse him of anything more?"

The Prince and I Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora