7 - Confessions

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"Willow, are you awake?" Caspian hissed, and Willow awoke with a start.

"I am now, yeah." She mumbled, and he tugged on her sleeve."What?"

"I can't sleep."

"Well, I can."

"I need to talk to you. It's important."

That sounded serious, so Willow crawled out of her makeshift bed (a layer of spongy ivy, covered by her cloak), and stood up.

"Okay, I'm awake now. What is it?"

"Not here." Caspian motioned to the others, who were sleeping, and gently took her arm and led her away. They reached an empty room, and Caspian sat down on a rock. Willow copied him, and they sat for a moment, just gazing at each other.
Willow cleared her throat, and Caspian jumped slightly.

"Why are we here?"

"Because I needed to talk to you."


"About you. I overheard your conversation with Susan and Lucy today, and I wanted to know more."

"What do you mean?"

Caspian looked awkward, and tried to find the right way to phrase his words. "Well, you never really answered my question from before. About who you were? All you really said was that you didn't know, and-"

"That's because I don't know, Caspian!" She snapped, and he looked hurt, so she tried again. "Look, I'm sorry. I just.... find it so hard to accept I have no past, and no real family either."

"What about the badger? Didn't he tell you about where he found you, that kind of thing?"

"Trufflehunter is great, and he taught me a lot. But he only knows so much. He said that he found baby me tangled in branches, as if nature was...protecting me from something. He took me in, and well, raised me, I guess. The power thing was interesting, because I had them when he found me. I was making flowers appear in my hands before I could talk." She laughed slightly, but then became serious. "Nikabrik visits sometimes too, but he prefers the company of other dwarves. But I hate not knowing anything about myself. I don't even have a last name, for crying out loud."

"But you said earlier-"

"Have you never lied before? I don't mind not having one, but it's silly to think I know barely anything about myself, and I'm almost 18. Sorry, that was a bit of a long confession."

"No, don't be sorry. I'm sorry, Willow. I had no idea."

"How could you? We met, like, two days ago."

"Those two days feel very long to me."

"Me too." She smiled, and Caspian felt his face heating up, and prayed she couldn't see it in the dim light. "What about you? You always say I know your story, but I don't really. Trufflehunter taught me about Narnia's past, not Telmar's, your kingdom."

"What do you want to know?"

"Everything. The people, the buildings, you." She shuffled towards to him, and it took all the willpower he had not to reach out and pull her closer.

"The people are lovely, usually, but the city is beginning to crumble from within. There are fights, and arguments, but I was always kept locked away in the castle, where nothing could hurt me. As for my family, my parents died when I was young, so I don't remember them very well. My aunt and uncle took me in and raised me. My aunt is nice enough, but Miraz...he is a different story. Now that he has a son of his own, he wants to get rid of me, so the Telmarine throne can be his."

"Oh." Willow sounded sad, and Caspian felt her hand reach for his in the darkness. She found his hand, and squeezed it gently, and he brushed his thumb against her palm in return. They sat like that for a while, in silence, but it wasn't uncomfortable. It felt...right.

"I'm sorry, Caspian." She whispered, breaking the silence.

"It's okay."

After a while, Willow yawned, and leaned her head against Caspian's shoulder.
Sparks shot up his arm, and through his body, making him shiver slightly, though he tried to downplay it so she wouldn't sit upright again. He head slotted perfectly into the crook of his neck, and she leant into it. Her steady breathing told him she had fallen asleep, and he smiled to himself.

Careful not to hurt her, he gently twisted her where he could pick her up, bridal style, and carried her back to her bed. He lay her down gently, and ever so slightly kissed the top of her head.

"Goodnight, Willow." He began to walk back to where he slept, across the room.

"Goodnight, Caspian." She whispered, and he paused, wondering if he had imagined it.

But he had definitely not imagined it.

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