11 - Arguments

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"Willow!" Caspian called, but she ignored him and kept walking. He tried again. "Willow!"

He raced after her and caught her hand, but she yanked it away like it had burned her.

"Willow, are you alright?"

She laughed, but it was cold, and bitter. "What kind of question is that?!"

"Listen, Willow, I-"

"No! I'm not alright! We just lost half our army, half of our friends, in a battle you could've stopped?!" He opened his mouth to reply, but she continued. "I don't care if Peter could've stopped it, all I care is that you didn't. There are people out there, families, mourning, and it's your fault! It's your fault they're dead, you're fault we have no hope anymore, and, oh yeah,  you nearly brought back the White Witch?!"

"Willow, you're angry with me? Look, I didn't know that they would bring her like that, I just wanted-"

"Too see Miraz fall, right? Well, this isn't how you do it. You're not who I thought you were Caspian, and you don't deserve this." She picked the rose from his chest, and it disintegrated in her hand and fell as ash to the floor. She glared at him, tears falling from her beautiful eyes, and turned on her heel and walked away.

But she turned around once more. He looked up, hopeful, but saw her face and prepared himself for the worst.

"And to answer your earlier question: no, I'm not angry. I'm just sorry." Her voice was cold, not at all like it was normally, and he gripped her hand hopelessly holding onto her.

"Willow, please. I didn't know things would turn out this way, and if you would just give me a chance-"

"I gave you a chance. And you destroyed it, without a second glance." She ripped her hand away from his, and ran away, not bothering to look back even once.

Her hair streamed behind her, and the flowers she had woven in littered the floor, leaving a small trail behind her. Caspian chased her through the tomb, gaining some strange looks from the other Narnians, but still he continued.

He called her name, over and over again, but she ran faster, and didn't stop until she was at the edge of the woods.

"Please, Willow, I'm sorry!" He cried, and she hesitated for a moment, before making her mind up. She used her powers to create a wall of vines and branches, and held them up high, concealing her. It was only when they fell to the floor, that Caspian saw she was well and truly gone.

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