15 - The return

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Caspian kept one hand firmly around Willow's all the way back home, and insisted she ride her horse next to his. She smiled at his protectiveness, and she saw Susan send a knowing glance to Lucy when Willow tripped and Caspian caught her.

They rode through the town, which seemed much lighter and happier than when Caspian had described it. Coloured streamers lined the houses, and the people cheered and they rode past. They waved and smiled, and Willow created cherry blossoms and blew them to the skies, raining down on the dancing crowd.

Caspian wore a magnificent crown on his head, and it sparkled in the dappled sunlight. He was happier than ever. They rode all the way up to the castle, and the celebrations continued fair into the night, cascades of fireworks shimmering in the starry skies.


Today, Caspian would give his first official speech as King of Narnia, and the whole kingdom would be there.

King Caspian walked outside of the castle doors, and squinted in the morning sun. His steps had a new spring in them, but he still felt as though something was missing. Then he spotted Willow, who was walking beside Peter, Susan, and Aslan. She was wearing a beautiful new dress, and her hair, which was entwined with flowers, was curled lightly and framed her face.

He stopped short at the sight of her, and his heart was beating so fast, it could've jumped out of his chest any second.

She was smiling, and chatting with them, but stopped when she saw Caspian.

"Your majesty." Aslan lowered his head, bowing, and Caspian smiled. He wouldn't ever get used to that.
He stared at Willow, and she gazed back, tilting her head slightly like she had done on the night they had met.

He realised they had been staring silently for a minute or two, and struggled to find his words again. Willow blushed and turned away.

"We are ready. Everyone has assembled." He finally got out, and Aslan nodded. Susan gave him a pointed look, but he shook his head very slightly, and mouthed "later". He turned and walked away, and Willow continued on with the two others and Aslan, her long skirt trailing on the floor.

She winced as the wound in her stomach sent pain shooting up her side. The potion Lucy had used had helped seal the wound, but now it needed time to heal. But she gritted her teeth and kept walking. Nothing would ruin today.

It was too important.

Susan noticed her sharp inhale, and turned to Willow.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, my stomach hurts a bit, that's all."

"Well, you did die." Peter joked, but Susan glared at him.

"You're still going to the speech today, right?"

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world. Or a stab wound." She added, grinning.

Peter laughed. "We'd better get a move on then, or we're going to be late!"

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