9 - Waiting

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"Do you think they're alright?" Lucy asked, and Willow felt a rush of sympathy for the girl. Everyone else had left for the battle, including Caspian, while she and the young queen had stayed behind.

Willow hesitated before answering. "I think they're okay. Don't worry, your highness, they'll be home soon."

Lucy faced Willow, a small frown on her face. "Do you really think it's going to end well? Honestly?"

"I don't believe anything good starts with a battle, or a war. No problem can be solved with arguing, if talking is still an option."

"Me too. I hate fighting." She folded her arms, and Willow suddenly had an idea.

"You want me to braid your hair? I can put flowers in it?"

"You can do that?"

"Of course I can. Now, turn around." Lucy obliged, and Willow used the energy from the forest around her to grow a string of flowers. She gently braided the queen's hair, and twined the flowers in, making the buds blossom in the braid.

Lucy gasped as she glanced in the water, and admired her hair. "It's beautiful. Thank you."

"You're welcome, your highness." Willow have a tiny curtsy, and Lucy smiled.

They chatted for a while longer, but Willow couldn't fully focus. She was trying desperately not to think of Caspian being hurt, and she wondered where they could be.

"You're thinking of Caspian, aren't you?" Lucy asked, with a small smile.

"How did you-"

"Your eyes light up when you see him. Or think of him. Or when says your name. I think you like him, and Susan does too, but she won't admit it."

"I don't fully understand my feelings for him yet, to be honest. But I'm worried for him. Really worried. And the others too, of course." She added, wondering how she could've forgotten so quickly.

Willow suddenly felt something stab at her stomach, and a dull ache took over the pain. She sat down quickly, and reached up a hand to wipe away the tears that had formed without her even knowing.

"Willow, are you okay?" Lucy sat beside her, and Willow nodded, biting her lip to keep the tears in.

"Something has happened. Something bad. I can feel it."

"You can feel it?"

"Because the Narnians are sort of...bound to the forest, I can feel when something happens to them."

"Has someone...died?"

"Many have fallen." She whispered, and Lucy let out a sudden cry and buried her head into Willow's shoulder. Willow held her tight, and they sat, together, in the tomb of Aslan, waiting. The small bust of happiness they had felt earlier was gone, and they were left, all alone.


"Do you hear that?" Lucy bolted upright, from where she had fallen asleep, and Willow nodded. They raced outside, and Willow nearly collapsed with relief to see Caspian walking towards her, along with Peter, Edmund, and Susan.

The rest of the army followed being them, and Willow was terrified to see it was only half of the creatures that went out the day before.
She stood, with the other creatures and Lucy held tightly onto her hand.
Their faces were solemn, and not one smile was seen.

"What happened?" Lucy asked, and Peter scowled.

"Ask him." He muttered, and motioned to Caspian.

"Peter." Susan warned, and Caspian looked equally confused.

"Me?! You could've called it off, there was still time."

"No there wasn't, thanks to you." Peter spat, and Willow gripped Lucy's hand tighter. "If you'd kept to the plan, those soldiers might still be alive."

"And if you'd stayed here like I suggested, they definitely would be!" Caspian shouted back, and Peter's scowl became deeper.

"You called us, remember?"

"My first mistake." Caspian shot back, and Willow looked at him strangely.

"No. You're first mistake was thinking you could lead these people." Peter started to walk away.

"Hey!" Caspian suddenly yelled, and Peter turned around. "I am not the one who abandoned Narnia."

"You invaded Narnia. You have no more right to lead it than Miraz does!"
Caspian pushed past Peter and stomped towards the tomb, not even noticing Willow.

Peter continued to yell at him. "You, him, your father...Narnia's better off without the lot of you!"
Caspian quickly drew his sword, and they where just about to fight when Edmund shouted at them, and they stopped, swords at each other's throats.

Willow looked past them, and saw Trumpkin, the dwarf from before, lying unconscious in the head centaur's arms. He was being lowered to the ground, and Willow rushed forward.

Only then did Caspian notice her, and he reached out, but she shoved him out the way and ran towards the dwarf. Lucy came too, bearing a small potion bottle.

Willow quickly grew a bed of branches for the dwarf, and they lay him down gently. Lucy poured some of the potion into his mouth, and after a few seconds, he woke. Willow turned to Caspian, but he was gone. Instead, she was met with sorrowful looks from the female centaurs, who were crying. She realised with a start that they must've lost someone in the battle, and her heart ached.

She swallowed her tears, and faced the others.

"The Telmarines will be here soon enough. We must hurry." Her voice rang out, and she was greeted with bows and nods of agreement. If neither Peter, nor Caspian, could lead, then she would.

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