10 - The white witch?

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Willow sat alone, thinking over what she had been told about the battle.  What had happened was horrible, and over half their army had been slaughtered. She was growing and regrowing flowers in her hands, because  she kept shredding them absentmindedly. The broken petals drifted to the floor, and Reepicheep and the other mice kept having to brush them off of their heads.

"Willow, could you maybe-" Reepicheep started, and she looked down at the mess.

"Oh, sorry." She swept up the petals with a flick of her hand, and they disintegrated.
She walked around, getting a bit lost the tomb, and wondered where everyone was. She didn't dwell on them long, though. Her thoughts drifted once again back to the battle, and gruesome scenes played in her head.

She walked faster, trying to leave the thoughts behind, and her brain was working overtime. She let out a cry as she slammed into a wall, and she heard quick footsteps behind her.

It was Edmund. "Is everything alright, Willow?"
She rubbed her head where she had hit it, and shrugged.

"Who would be okay after a battle like that? I wasn't even there and yet my head is filled with scenes of chaos, and blood."

"Well, I was there, and it was pretty much like that." He tried to joke, but there was no laughter behind his eyes.

Suddenly, a crash sounded from a while away in the tomb, and she and Edmund exchanged panicked glances.
They rushed off in the direction of the noise, through twisting passageways and past countless cave drawings. They met Peter, who had also heard the noise, and together they ran towards it.

Until they reached a single room, and Willow gasped. Standing tall and trapped in ice, lay the White Witch.
She was alive.

And Caspian stood in front of her, mesmerised.

"Stop!" Edmund yelled, and drew his sword. A wolf lunged at Edmund and he tried to fight it off, as a bird like creature jumped towards Willow and Peter. Peter drew his own sword, and Willow used her powers to summon up branches and thorns. She fought the bird, and twisted it up, but it broke free and cawed loudly at her.

She briefly saw Trumpkin fighting Nikabrik, and wondered why Nik was even there.

Susan rushed in, followed closely by Lucy, who grabbed Nik and held him in a headlock, stopping him from reaching his knife. He wrench out of her grasp and twisted her arm behind her back, and Willow slammed him against the wall with more vines.
Everything was happening too fast to comprehend. She saw Nik, stabbed by Trumpkin, and cried out to him, but that only alerted the wolf to her presence. It lunged at her, but she sliced it with a thorn and it fell backwards, dead.

Caspian yelped as he was pushed backwards, and he fell to the floor. She saw Peter, standing in front of the witch, who was quickly becoming just as mesmirised as Caspian had been, and nodded at Edmund, who ran behind the frosted pane which held the witch.
A sword was stabbed through the back of the pane, and the witch crumbled, revealing Edmund standing behind it with his sword held high.

"I know. You had it sorted." He said, and walked away.

Caspian turned around, saw Willow standing there, and rushed towards her. She made no move towards him, her face closed off and icy cold.

He stopped, and took in her expression. Willow looked at Caspian with such...disappointment in her eyes, as if she had always suspected he would do something like this, and that hurt him the most.

She turned, and walked off, but he didn't miss her hand sneaking up and wiping away a tear as she went.

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