Chapter 1. Beginning

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         You look out of you hotel window, no one in sight. What did you expect, it was 4 a.m. You walked away from the window and faced back to the slowly condescending room. You sauntered over to your closet and found your uniform. You were a state alchemist after all. Not that you had any pleasure in being apart of the military however. 

~~~~~~~~~5 Years Ago        Age: 11~~~~~~~~~

       First Person

       I looked out into the distant hills and valleys of my small village. It was one of the very few towns that didn't have an evacuation mandate from the uprising in Ishval. It was still the same peaceful place I had always lived in. 

Second Person

       "Mom! Can me and (b/f/n) take a walk to the market?" You hollered to your beloved mom. 

        She smiled at you momentarily before replying. 

       "Yes, that sounds like a great idea. Make sure you don't spend too much, you still have to buy a present for (b/f/n)'s brother!"

         I gave her a knowing nod and you headed into town. Everyone was so kind there. Everyone in the small town knew everyone and had fulfilling lives. They would always greet you and your friends with great smiles and were always generous. You can't forget my parents either. Mom was a witty yet kind hearted person. She would make you such great scarfs.  Her and you would take late night strolls and Father would shine a light in the distance of the house when dinner was ready. Speaking of him, he was indulged in alchemy yet he always made time for you, his precious child. 

You loved your parents...and everyone in the village dearly...

       Third Person

    "Oi! Did you hear? Some alchemists from the war are finally in the town! Better head home (Y/N), it's getting dark out!"

       That reminded you, it was around dinner time. You ran home with slight worries after bidding your friend goodbye. You stood at the edge of the trail that would lead you up to your light shine on the balcony like it always had. You were a little anxious yet you though he just had fallen asleep from his alchemy studies. You slowly open the door. 

       (There is a gore warning ⚠️ please read with caution my fellow weebs! (☞゚∀゚)☞

       First Person

       I stood in utter shock while staring at the horror in from of me. A man with pitch black hair and an odd glove on his hand walks out with blood covering his blue uniform. His glove bared a red transmutation of flame, you knew because of your father's studies. He had a look of guilt on his face as he walked out with two other men. I began to feel my knees lock as I saw what was laying on the floor past the man.


       My beloved parents lay on the cold tile floor of you house seeped in blood. I found three bullets in my father's chest and one in my mother's side. Half of her face was burned...

Second Person

       You weren't one for vulgar tongues but you doubted every inch of this image in front of you.

       "Dammit you bastard! What'd we ever do to Central!" You were half running/limping to the alchemist. Bursting in tears...

       Minutes later you see nothing but black and your vision fades into nothing. You wake up on a train, next to the only person in the world you thought about hating.

...I guess you were right (b/f/n) life does get complicated. You can't cry...everything is too barren.


Sorry that was a quick chapter! I just wanted to get things going but not focus on in too much. I'll be explaining things that happened in this chapter throughout this whole book! Well it's 2 a.m and I'm tired so expect an update tomorrow as early as 1 p.m PT 

Hope you enjoy the upcoming chapters!  ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ   Sorry this was a little sad  (;'༎ຶД༎ຶ')

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