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Name : Taylor Rue Morris

Age : Fifteen

Gender : Male

Description :

An average Joe, that's what everyone on the school looked at him as. He wasn't anything or anyone special, he was just like everybody else. Aside from the fact he has supernatural powers, he was just a normal kid who lived his life as mediocre as it could be.

Note : Nothing really noteworthy can be said about me.

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Name : Giacinto Toscano

Age : Sixteen

Gender : Non-binary

Description :

Drama queen and a fashionista, they're very prideful and their confidence are through the roofs. They come from a rich family and they love affording fancy clothing. They're quite the brat, but has a hidden soft side. Although no one could ever see how, they're Rue's closest friend. They act like they know everything, but little do they know... they don't, obviously.

Note : Big, but picky eater... eats very tidily too. Quite unnerving, honestly.

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Name : Nile Quince Stone

Age : Thirty-five

Gender : Cis male

Description :

A cold man who has a very short fuse. You don't want to be on his bad side. Despite his relatively good looks, he isn't a very good person ㅡ or so, he claims he isn't. After you get past all of his walls, you'll find a fiercely loyal and rather compassionate guy ㅡ but usually, only if you're his nearest and dearest companion. He makes for a great ally, but even a greater foe.

Note : Do not call him Dr. Stoner. DO. NOT. FOR YOUR SAFETY, DO NOT.

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Name : Masashi Kobayashi

Age : Seventeen

Gender : Cis Male

Description :

Hasn't lived the best life, and his personality reflects that. He gets around everywhere using a wheelchair and is almost always asleep unless it is something he deems important. He's not trying to prolong his life, nor is he trying to shorten it on purpose. Perhaps the reason why he's always asleep is due to another factor.

Note : Please be wary of waking him up. Just... don't suddenly wake him.

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Name : Beranai Jenkhan

Age : Sixteen

Gender : Cis Male

Description :

A rather level headed individual who might come off as a bit reserved and nonchalant, though he's mostly docile in nature. He can be protective and nurturing to others, but he can become stern and hostile if pushed to the circumstances. His ability makes him a dangerous opponent, although he prefers to use it for domestic needs.

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