1.0 - classes.

21 3 40

Choice : Chat with Josaki

Rue got up from his seat and he shrugged his own thoughts. He made his way to their teacher, meeting eyes as he was was getting closer, and he took a seat nearby.

The blond curiously tilted his head to the side, a gentle smile placed upon his lips, as it opened and he asked, "Is there anything you want to ask me, Rue?" The boy shook his head and rested hid arms on the desk.

"Not much. Well, I mean, how's your day been?" Rue laid his head on his arms, looking up to the teacher who hummed in thought. "It's been alright. I've noticed a few new kids around here, 2 of them being in the principal's office."

"Was one of 'em a pale girl?" Josaki nodded, "Yep. She seemed to be really anxious. There was also this other kid, they had split coloured hair." Rue raised a brow, saying a little curious "oh". "They had a very monochromatic scheme, except for their scarf. The scarf was pink."

Rue slowly nodded, trying to imagine the peculiar stranger. "Do you know the pale girl?" Josaki's voice made his attention turn back to him, and he nodded in response, "Me and Gian just met her this morning by the entrance, I guess I just asked because he-" he looked over to the chatting blond, "-kinda adopted her on the spot."

The teacher chuckled, "I could relate." That simple statement made Rue perk up, confusion coming across his facial expressions and the other just laughs more. "Y'know one of the freshmen that acts and looks like a ninja?"

"The blue guy? Haji, was it?" Josaki nodded with a gentle smile, "I randomly adopted him one day, kind of half-jokingly with the principal, but now he's my legitimate son." Rue's lips turned into an 'O' shape, nodding slowly as well as he looked again to Gian.

With a thought that popped back in his mind, he looked back to Josaki in a snap and asked, "Wait, does that make him the principal's kid too?" His face froze for a second with a blank stare, and he awkwardly smiled after, a saddened gaze that turned away as he answered, "No, I'm sure he'd rather adopt someone else with his husband."

He was taken aback slightly at the answer, a squeeze right in his chest that made him hesitant to say something more. But Josaki immediately got rid of his sad look and smiled sweetly at him and spoke out to the class, "Alright, everyone! It's time for class now, please return to your seats."

• • •

"And that's all for today!" Josaki declared as he closed the book on his desk. Right after the slam of the book, the students started chatting and getting off their seats once again, and he didn't mind. He packed up his stuff, looked over the class and spoke, "See ya tomorrow, class!"

"Goodbye, Sir Josaki!"

Sooner or later, the blond man left, and Rue watched him go. He always carried a faint sad ambient aura that no one points out. Rue huffed a little bit and packed his math book in his bag, taking out the history one in exchange.

Not long after, the familiar cold aura approached the room closer, and everyone sensed it as they began returning to their seats. The substitute for Mr. Romeo, Sir Zhuye, stepped into the room and kindly smiled at everyone with a tiny bow, "Good morning, class."

"Good morning, sir!" The students, well some of them, greeted back loudly and their history teacher smiled more. "May anyone tell me where Romeo left you off?"

"Sir, what happened to Mr. Romeo, by the way?" Someone piped up, raising their hand. Everyone looked over to the student then back at the teacher, nodding in curiosity. The cold but warm teacher laughed a little, "Poor guy partied too hard one night and accidentally got back pain the next day."

Some of the students snickered, some were worried, and some simply didn't care. "He'll recover today or tomorrow, we'll see. Now, where did you guys left off?"

• • •


- School canteen...

- Outside...

• • •

(am i going to make my chapters longer than 1k words? no. am i gonna have a consistent update schedule? no.)

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