0.7 - götz.

61 3 26

Choice : Vote for Götz - Vote for Irene

error! choices are tied.

flip a coin? head and tails respective to options.

flipping... flipping... flipping...

heads is the winner!


Choice : Vote for Götz

switching... switching...

"Hmm..." he hummed quietly as he gazed back and forth to the posters made for the candidates. In the end, he just shrugged and blurted, "I'll go with Götz too. Even though Irene would liiiikely lead better than him, I don't think she'd have fun getting slandered by the people because she's one of them popular kids, y'know?"

He adjusted his seat to the air and faced Beranai. He saw a tiny smirk on the man's face as he asked, "Tryna cut her some slack?" Masashi chuckled, "You could say that."  "Well, there's still the speech debate so we'll see how it goes." His friend started to move on someplace else and he quickly followed.

The rest of the stroll was quiet. They enjoyed the morning sunlight that shone past the leaves of trees, the cold gentle breeze that flew by, and the muffled chatter in the background was nice. Well, Beranai seemed to be enjoying it, he can't feel the heat or cold in this state. Or just a bit though, from what his physical body felt anyway.

He glanced up to see the sun through the leaves, wondering about something. What was out there? Is there something more to this land? Or are they just living on this realm that extends only from their experiences? Or maybe someone else's experience. Are we rea- "Oh, the bell's ringing." He looked at Beranai.

Without a word, they headed back into the building.

"Omi!" Götz rushed over to the brown-capped gremlin. They look over and lifted their head up to meet his soft, squishy looking face. "Oh hey, dipshit." They got a headpat from him somehow despite that. "Finally found you! Me and, uh, Erin were looking for you!"  "You mean Kierin?" Omi raised a brow and leant to the side just to see the devil that was being spoken of.

"Omi, dear! There you are!" Kierin gleefully chimed as they swooped Omi off their legs and hugged them like a stuff toy. "LET OMI GO, KIE! OR OMI WILL BONK YOU WITH OMI'S SCOOTER!" They screeched loudly and they were dropped to the floor immediately. Kierin laughed a bit while they felt blunt force on their legs that was probably Omi's said scooter.

(Don't ask about this bullshit, it's just your everyday interaction with these idiots.)

After Omi was done whacking Kierin's legs with the scooter five times, they placed it properly on the floor and let out a heavy huff as they look up at them frustratingly, "Why were guys looking for Omi?" "Because I missed you, dea-" Before they could finish their sentence, they took a blow on the knees, yet they did not fall.

Oh yeah, Götz was and is watching all of this and you're all standing from his perspective. He speaks up to stop the usual banter of the two, saying the real reason why they were looking for them, "It feels weird being separated! We're always together!" Omi sighed, "Idiots," but they gave a tiny smile, "but I get where y'all coming from."

"The bell will ring in a minute though," Kierin said casually and, again, another blow on the knees. "Omi and friend are having a moment. Please read the atmosphere." They giggle and lean down to their height with a mocking grin, "Says the one who keeps hitting my legs with a scooter."  "That's because Omi hates you."  The bell rang.

"Love you too, dear!" Just like that, Kierin spun around on their heel and skipped away to the class as the shortest one shouted, "STOP CALLING OMI 'DEAR', ASSHOLE!" They huff and turn around too, getting on their scooter as they skidaddle off to their room. Götz was basically forgotten during all that but he didn't mind.

• • •


- Follow Omi...

- Follow Kierin...

• • •

(writing with no basic idea on what you're doing is not so great for writing so you all get a full-assed chapter. i am also half awake.)

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