0.4 - school.

53 5 65

Choice : Come with Gian

"Eh, nah," Rue replied, walking beside their friend, "I'd rather be with you." He mumbled, but Gian obviously heard as he could see the disgusted look on their face as they spoke up, "Eww... you're so cheesy..." He flashed a grinned and lightly punched their shoulder, "Says you saying I love you."

"Because I do!" They huffed while he chuckled, ruffling their hair while tiptoeing to reach. "I love you too, okay?" Gian fake cringed again, "Ew, you're so cheesㅡ" but Rue had them shut with his palm on their mouth, "Let's just go talk to that gal." They pouted and slouched over, and received some headpats from him which they enjoyed.

They then walk over to the sickly looking girl that was looking around. Rue cleared his throat and got her attention, he saw her flinch and back off a little. He looked over to Gian and they knew what that look meant. They spoke up with their (fake)soft voice, "Hey, I'm Gian, the other's Rue. Do you go to this school?" They asked bluntly.

Rue sometimes wished they weren't so blunt at some times like these. There were times they were too vague as well. The girl simply nodded, but didn't say anything. She was shaking a bit too. Is she scared or cold? He had himself wondering. "Y'know where to go?" She shook her head this time, seeing the ribbons at the ends of her hair swing.

Gian looked over to Rue for a moment, thinking the same thing, and then back to the girl, "Come follow us, we'll help you out." Her eyes widened in surprise and yelled, "Really?!" Which caught the two of guard. They nodded and made a gesture to follow them as they started walking. She rushed to them and clung onto their arm and walked with them. They look over to Rue and whispered, "She's like a child..."

He quietly chuckled and joked with a whisper, "Congrats on your adoption."  "Rue!" Their face slowly turned red in embarrassment and he had to hold himself back from laughing too hard. Gian huffed and returned their attention to the tiny girl clinging on them, so they decided to ask, "What's your name?" She didn't say anything at first, but they saw her open her mouth a few times but didn't make a sound.

"Cerys..." she muttered, "Cerys... Gutierrez..." They felt her grip on him tighten a bit more. They smiled sweetly and greeted, "Nice to meet you, Cerys."  "Nice to meet you too," Rue showed himself to her out of nowhere, but Gian pulled him back up to have him stand properly. "N-nice to meet both of you two!" Her voice was loud again and Gian's first thought was, 'Why do I feel paternal of this gal?'

While Rue's was, 'Socially awkwardㅡmaking communication somewhat off. Mood.' For the rest of the walk, they were quiet. Gian had explained they were heading to the principal's office so Cerys can get some help from the head of the school. She was clinging onto Gian for her dear life and Rue couldn't help but try not to laugh every time he got a full view of how they looked like together. Father and daughter. Sounds nice.

But as they walked around the hallways, they heard groups of footsteps heading their way and that only meant one thing: Trouble. For Gian, at least. They stopped in their tracks and Cerys immediately got behind Gian as they glared at the person leading his lackeys. Of course he had to show his face around...

"Well, well, well... if it isn't Nico."

"Giacinto..." he hissed sweetly with a grin. Eyes alike to a moss agate gleamed maliciously, glaring at the blond person that stood before him. His grin then snapped into a small disappointed frown, the light reflecting from his eyes disappearing, "You don't go around saying my name like I'm your friend." His voice was so pleasing to listen too, even as he hissed, and they hated it. It was that good.

Gian snorted and laughed loudly, before stopping suddenly with an empty smile, "Are you deaf? I didn't say it in a way like a friend would do..." but then they gasped, bringing their hand to their mouth, covering their teeth-bared smile, "Unless, you want to be my friend?" Nico cackled, flaunting his dark flowy wavy hair, "Me? To be your friend? Hah! Surely, when pigs fly."

"I mean, if you strap enough helium balloons on a pig, they could technically flㅡ" Rue said but, "Shut up," both of them huffed towards him. He sighed heavily and placed his hand on his friend's shoulder, pulling him back, "Let's go, Gian. He's not worth it."  "Excuse you, I am very much worth itㅡ"  "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say," he dismissed Nico easily without a care, grabbing Gian's collar of his denim jacket and dragging him away.

Cerys followed the duo, but not without looking back. He wore a dark green bolero jacket with golden snakes printed on top of his pinstriped blouse with sleek fitting black pants and tidy shoes. She thought the snake fitted him well as she caught his gaze. A charming smile appeared on his face, but not a very kind one. It sent shivers down her spine. She instantly turned away and kept following the two.

'He wasn't wearing a uniform... Is that allowed?' It had her thinking.

"Why'd you hold me back?!" Gian stated with their arms crossed and back hunched over. Their brows were furrowed, their lips were pouted, and their sky blue eyes glared at Rue who only now finished his juice box. "Because you're gonna cause another scene again and you're getting your ass whooped. Again."  "I'll best him someday!" Gian argued and he stared at him blankly, "But when will be that someday?"

They kept on bickering as Cerys awkwardly followed behind. She only looked up when she saw another pair pass by her. All she caught was silky long black hair flowing on the back of a wheelchair being pushed by a man with wavy brown hair of the man who wore a bit long black winter boots in today's rather hot weather.

• • •


- Keep going...

- Switch perspectives...
if so, choose from
the following words:
- Company
- Freedom
- Warmth

• • •

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