0.5 - freedom.

52 5 40

Choice : Keep going - Switch:Freedom

error! choices are tied.

flip a coin? head and tails respective to options.

flipping... flipping... flipping...

tails is the winner!


Choice : Switch:Freedom

switching... switching...

Masashi saw nothing but black.

Or at least, that's what they all thought.

In fact, he could see everything. Well, not everything as he can only go to such distances with limits. Human limits. He hated that, being woken up always had him snap out of his world of freedom.

His eyelids were barely shut but his gaze was kept low, unfocused between his legs and floor tiles. He felt the slight tremble of the wheelchair everytime its wheels get bumped by the slightest floor unequal surfacing. Or it could be his wheelchair was possibly getting quite old. His pale fingers brushed repeatedly on the rubber armrests with his head empty and emotions numb.

"Hey, you awake?" He heard the voice of his companion, the one who had been pushing him. He's a really good friend. Masashi enjoyed his company. He only hoped his friend enjoyed his company too. He raised his head slowly and then looked up to his friend. He stared directly at his hazel eyes. Are they yellow or just light brown? He asked himself many times but the answer was always the same.

He didn't care, he liked how pretty his eyes looked either way.

"I'm awake, Bera," he said, but it was probably more of a whisper. Beranai gave him a nod before going on, "We have Science. Biology, I presume. I heard our teacher went off for a vacation." He listened to what he said and looked back to where he was looking before. But this time, he closed his eyes. "So, our substitute will be Sir Yuu..." he trailed off, then changed the topic, "And you said you were awake."

He gave a smile to his friend, "That was earlier. But now, I am asleep," he stated as he slowly circled around him. "Alright. But better keep a low profile. Who knows if we cross others who have powers too." He nodded to Beranai's words as his dark hair swayed above him. He then floated close to Beranai, in between his body and the wheelchair and stayed there. They were used to doing this, it basically happens everyday.

As they went down the halls together while getting some sunlight outside throught the windows, which Masashi needed due to his deficiency, they saw two men coming close. He tucked farther down behind his wheelchair as he met eyes with one of them instantly. "Ah, Beranai, was it?" A white haired male came close to them with a blond man following after.

"And you are Kierin?" Beranai asked back and Kierin nodded with a sweet smile on their face. "Morgen!" The blond from behind waved towards them, and he returned the gesture subtly while Beranai bowed politely and greeted back, "Guten Morgen, Götz." Götz bowed as well. Beranai brought back his attention to Kierin, "So, why did you call for me?"

They perked up in surprise. It seems like they forgot. "I was wondering if you saw where Omi is."  "Omi?"  He came into a clearer picture beside Kierin, he was a tad bit taller than the other as Masashi only noticed now. "Yeah! Really short Dämon with brown cap!" Dämon? Demon? Certainly not that, but he's seen a fellow with a brown cap once or twice before, but not today. Beranai shook his head, "I'm afraid not."

Kierin let out a disappointed sigh, "Ah, that's a shame. They keep sneaking away so easily it's so hard to find them." Then golden eyes met his. He froze. The eyes moved up to meet Beranai's. "You might want to tell your friend to hide better."

Götz tapped their shoulder and tilted his head, "What are you talking about?" And in return, Kierin snickered, "Oh, it's nothing. I'm just saying some certain people need to hide from others better. Why don't you go find Omi first? I'll catch up." He nodded and went ahead without any suspicions at all and waved them goodbye with ease.

Kierin waved goodbye back at his friend and his golden eyes slowly peered towards him with a gentle smile upon his lips.

• • •


- Say nothing...

- Say something...

• • •

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