0.9 - next period.

27 4 44

Choice : Help the redhead

"Uh, you go on ahead, Omi," Rue said as he nudged their shoulder, the other shrugging it off and nodding. They parted way that easily and he started jogging towards the struggling redhead.

He took some of the cardboard boxes off their arms, making a little oof sound as the weight almost brought him to his knees. "Man, what are in these crates?" He muttered, shifting his position to carry them better.

"They're model projects the 7th grade made... Since I've recorded them already, I'm returning them..." he replied, his voice seemed rather shaky and he was stammering too. "Let me help you bring these to them, Sir Yuuki."

Yuuki's eyes widened and frantically shook his head, "N-no! It's okay, I can bring these myself-"  "They're heavy and you have 6 boxes of them." Rue deadpanned and the teacher just awkwardly chuckled and turned away.

After a seconds, with a quiet of sigh of defeat, the man fixed the boxes and started walking first, "You can help... We'll bring these to the faculty room." And in silence, Rue followed.

It was quiet when they walked down the hallyways, but they could hear muffled noises coming from seperate rooms. "S-so-" he heard his voice crack, followed with an "eep!", and silent panic.

"So! Uh, M-Ms. Cassia is your first period, right?"


"I-I was wondering if-"


"Wondering i-if..."

"Mmmm-hmmmmm-"  "W-would you stop humming at me like that!" Yuuki exclaimed, red-faced, and Rue snickered mischievously at the man. "You were saying, sir?"

"A-as I was saying," he cleared his throat and attempted to regain composure, "H...how is Ms. Cassia...?" His voice faded out as he finished. He received another deadpan look from the student yet again.

"Sir, you meet each other every break."  "I-I know!" His voice cracked again, "I was just- w-wondering! Y'know? Is it bad to not wonder?" He just stood there, staring down this nervous wreck of a man.

"Oh my God, ask her yourself." Rue turned left and opened the door to the faculty, which Yuuki had completely passed by unaware due to their extreme nervousness and embarrassment. After that, they never spoke again, mostly because Yuuki was too shy again for fuck's sake and Rue will die of secondhand embarrassment.

Once that was done, Rue was making his way back to the court and he caught up to a pretty haired dude- oh wait, it's just Caspian. "Oh, mornin', dude!" The pretty, sunshine boy turned to him with a smile and Rue wished he had sunglasses right now.

"Morning, Rue, my dude~ What brings you just going to the field?"

"I was gonna ask you that- I just helped Mr. Yuuki carry stuff. Now, you-"

"Asthma." Caspian answered blankly with an empty smile, and Rue was confused, "Then? Why are you coming to P.E?? Of all things???"  "To make an excuse! Duhhh," he snickered and rolled his dark eyes, stepping out to the baseball field where Ms. Cassia blew the whistle as they were about to run.

"Sorry, Ms. Cassy!" The two chimed in, gaining the woman's attention who brightened up. "Heyo! Rue, you can go with the group now, Omi told me about your case." She made a little playful shooing gesture to him as he smiled and went over.

Rue watched them talk and have Caspian dismissed to the bleachers shortly after. Gian grabbed his arm, startling him but immediately calmed when he say their ocean eyes. He returned the smile they had and chatted as the whistle was blown.

It only took one lap for Rue to wish he was in Caspian's place.

• • •

Rue finished his water bottle as they were done with their first period all sweaty and tired. Some are refreshed from the morning exercise, like Gian who was happily talking to Caspian. Rue wished he really had shades.

They made their way back to their classrooms, chatting and being loud like the usual day. He fanned himself to cooldown and beside him sat down Omi who had a mini-fan, 'Bet their brother made that,' he thought.

Though it was 5 minutes earlier than their next period, their Mathematics teacher had arrived. Everyone became quiet for a moment and started to return to their seats until he spoke up, "Ah, you guys still have 5 more minutes. You all can continue with what you're doing."

With that said, the class followed suit immediately, back to chatting they were as he sighed from his seat, a faint smile on his face. 'Ah, Mr. Josaki Kujo, another early day again, huh?' Rue had thought, staring at the man.

• • •


- Chat with Josaki...

- Relax in your seat...

• • •

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