Chapter 3

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Y/n pov:

I got home and straight into my bathroom to take a shower because I felt gross. I saw that I got a snap from Anna so I opened it and my jaw dropped a little. It was a picture of her in the shower with her hair all wet and water dripping down her neck. I sent one back because why not, and a couple of minutes later I got a notifaction that Anna was typing

shumate.anna - woah

y/u/n (your username) - could say the same thing shumate

I set my phone down and changed into a hoodie and sweatpants and I saw that Anna was calling me so I answered

"Hey, is everything ok?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to talk about practice"

"Ok?" I said as I sat down on my bed

"Do you think coach Meyer is a physical teacher?" she asked a little nervously


"Like do you think that he has to show you how to do it by guiding you with his hands?"

"Anna, I want you to be honest with me, did he touch you anywhere he shouldn't've?"

"I mean it was just my legs..."

I could tell she was lying


"...And my butt"

"Hold on just a second"

I ran out of my room and I asked my mom if she had coach Parker's number


"Can I call him real quick?"


"I just want to talk about practice"

"Ok I guess" she said as she gave me her phone with coach Parker's contact up

After a couple of rings he picked up


"Hi coach Parker this is y/n"

"Oh hi y/n"

"I just wanted to talk about practice" I said as I walked out of earshot of my mom

"What about it?"

"Anna told me that coach Meyer touched her uhh... behind... during practice"

He said under his breath 

"damn it not again Meyer"


I heard him loud and clear but I pretended I didn't

"Oh uh nothing, I'll talk to him"

"Ok thank you so much, bye" I said walking back to my mom


I gave my mom her phone back, thanked her and walked back up to my room, where Anna was still on the phone

"You didn't have to stay"

"I didn't have anything else to do so I just stayed on"


"So what was that about?"

"Oh uh I just called coach Parker"

"Y/n you didn't have-"

"No, what he did was wrong and for fuck's sake he's probably married and has kids, he can't go around doing that to teenage girls"

It was silent for a minute or two until I said:

"I have an idea"

"What's up?"

"Give me like 5 minutes"




I hung up, put on my forces, grabbed my keys and headed to Anna's house. It was only probably a 3 minute drive from my house to the Shumate's which was nice. I pulled into their driveway and texted Anna

y/u/n - yo come outside

shumate.anna - ok i'll be out in a second

I was answering my snaps when I saw Anna come out of her house so I smiled at her, she did the same

she looks so good right now...

"Hey" she said as she got into my car


"Where are we going?"

"Somewhere" I said as I pulled out of her driveway

"Woah miss mysterious"

I just laughed and kept driving. We finally got to Sonic and I order myself a blue raspberry slush and I ask Anna what she wants and she leans over me to talk into the microphone and tell the lady that she wants an ocean water. All of the sudden my butterflies erupted in my stomach

why am i getting butterflies... damn it im catching feelings... why her of all people... el literally calls her my sister...

"Ayo y/n, you good?" Anna asked, snapping me out of my thoughts

"Yeah, sorry, I just zoned out"

"You're fine, I get it"

After like 3 minutes they brought our drinks out and I started driving to a good spot to hang out

"Ooh now where are we going?"

"The moon"

"Really?" she said with an unapproving tone in her voice

I looked over at her briefly and she had her arms crossed over her chest and she looked like a dissaproving mother

"Oh my god you literally look like a mom" I said laughing and looking back at the road

She started laughing with me and we pulled into the empty parking lot

Anna's pov:

Y/n took me to Sonic after I told her what happened with coach Meyer and I'm not gonna lie I've had feelings for her for maybe like a year now but I don't want to seem like I do because y/n is one of the worst possible people to fall for because our parent's are like best friends and our school is really homophobic. We pulled into an empty parking lot and I asked y/n

"Are you about to kidnap me right now?"

She looked really fake suprised

"You figured me out ALREADY?"

"Yup, I'm just that smart" I said laughing, and her with me


886 words


i don't really have anything to say but i love you guys so much <33


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