Chapter 6

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Y/n pov:

I got back home and I forgot to call Ellie so I called her a couple hours later to tell her what happened. It rung for too long and she finally picked up

"Hey shawty"

"I think I have feelings for Anna" I said bluntly


"I think I have feelings for-"

"I heard what you said, but what? how? when? why?"

"What: I have feelings for Anna, how: I don't know, when: right now, and why: because i do"

She smirked and told me

"I knew you two would be cute together"

"We aren't together though"

"That picture of you and Anna sleeping together says otherwise"

"What picture?... ELLIE WHAT PICTURE?"

"Jelly sent me this because I asked why you weren't texting me back. Apparently Anna's friends were wondering why she wasn't responding either" she said, showing me a picture of Anna slightly smiling while I'm asleep and my arms are around her

I couldn't help but smile and Ellie saw that I was smiling

"You simp"

"Ok, and? You're a simp for that dude Joe in our math class"

"Ok fair but I don't have him sleepover at my house"

"Can I explain the whole sleepover thing?"

"Sure, but you're still going to be a simp"

I sighed

"Fine. But here's what happened, so she called me wanting to talk about practice because apparently coach Meyer touched her butt-"

"Ew gross dude"

"Yeah, anyways, so I called coach Parker and he said he would talk to Meyer and I decided to take Anna to Sonic because-"

"Because you're a simp"

"Oh my god can you let me do what I need to do" I said in my best Tyler the Creator voice


"So I took Anna to Sonic because I wanted to help her get her mind off of it, we got drinks and then we drove to one of the empty parking lots, sat on top of my car and drank our drinks, she didn't want to go home because no one else was home so I offered for her to stay at my house, she agreed and then she also didn't want to sleep in the downstairs bedroom so we slept in the same bed"


I sighed again

"Call me a simp all you want but right now I'm just trying to be a good friend because I don't want to fuck up the friendship... especially because of our parents being so close"

"Wait so do you think she's into girls?"

"I honestly don't know anymore but I think that if I tell her that I'm bi, she might either come out to me or tell me she's straight, which then all the flirting went to waste"

"Wait... FLIRTING?"

"Oh, yeah, we flirted back and forth last night and this morning"

"Miss girl, if you were flirting back and forth either she's one of those pick me girls who will get girl's attention and flirt with them only to break their heart (which I don't think she is) or she's either bi, pan, or a lesbian and she's all yours"

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