Chapter 13

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Y/n pov:

I was hanging out with Ellie when Anna called her and she told me to leave so I did. I was kinda wondering why but I didn't want to intrude so I left. I grabbed some fruit snacks and a water for each of us and headed back up to my room and I heard Anna say:

"Ooh yeah, that's a good idea, thanks" and she hung up

"Can I come in?" I asked through the door

"Yeah, come on in"

"What was that about?" I asked opening the door and walking in

"Snitches get stitches"

"Fine" I said sitting down on her bed

I handed her the fruit snacks and the water and I opened mine. 

"Oh shit I still need to order Anna's Christmas present" I said turning on my phone

Ellie choked on her water a little and I asked



"Why'd you choke on your water then?"

"Because it was going to go into my lungs and my body coughed it out? Why are you being so weird?"

"I don't know I just think it's a little weird that Anna wanted to talk to you alone"

"Y/n, trust me you and her are fine, hell even '#couple goals'" she said in a cringey voice

" sorry that was really cringey" she added

"Yeah, it was"

I went back to ordering Anna's Christmas present, a comfy (like those really big fleece hoodies), a roll of film that you can customize so I put a bunch of pictures of us on it, and a pack of boxers. I don't know why she won't just go out and buy boxers because she's always complaining that she only has one pair and they're really comfortable and she wants more. She has her own money and her own car and yet she still won't go out and buy boxers.

~time skip to Christmas day~

Y/n's pov:

My parents usually have a big Christmas party but this year it was just the Patterson's (Ellie's family) and the Shumate's.

"Y/N?" my dad yelled up to me

"YEAH?" I asked


if you're already down there why don't you do it...


I threw my phone into my hoodie pocket and went downstairs. I helped clean what felt like the entire fucking house even the basement, I had to clean my room as well

the basement is literally just storage and who's going to go into my room and inspect it... i don't get it...

Once I finished cleaning I went back up to my room and I changed into a white crop top with a flannel over it, some ripped jeans, and my airforce 1's. I went back downstairs and sat on the couch, waiting for people to arrive. A couple of minutes later the Patterson's, nothing really special, we said hi and made small talk while we waited for the Shumate's. I ended up texting Anna and asking where they were. She responded by sending me a picture of the back of their car all messed up

 She responded by sending me a picture of the back of their car all messed up

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I showed my mom Anna's texts to let her know they would be late. Maybe 10 minutes later the Shumate's pulled into our driveway and I went out to meet them

"Hi y/n" Anna's stepdad, Phil said stepping out of the car

Phil insisted that no one calls him Mr. Shumate or Tommy or Anna's dad because he was neither. He just told us to call him Phil or father Phil because he is a pastor and he's kinda Tommy and Anna's second dad. Although he is Brandon's biological dad but Brandon still calls him Phil which everyone thinks is funny.

"Hey Phil. I heard that you guys got rear ended, is everything good?"

"Yeah, I think so, I think that it's just the rear bumper that's messed up"

"That's good" I said as I saw the rest of the Shumate family getting out of the car

As soon as Anna stepped out of the car she started running to me and she wrapped her arms around me almost causing me to fall over

"Hey" I mumbled into her shoulder

"Hi" she responded softly

"You ok?" I asked quietly so that no one else could hear

"Yeah, I was just scared though... I mean I've been rear ended before but this time was different, I don't know why though" she told me

I rubbed her back, she let go, smiled at me and walked into the house behind Phil, Mrs. Shumate and Tommy. I realized that Brandon wasn't there but he was closing Anna's door, sighing. I chuckled

"C'mere little dude" I said opening my arms

Brandon smiled and said

"Hey y/n"

He ran into my arms and I picked him up, put him over my shoulder and walked into the house beind the rest of the Shumates.


877 words


sorry for not updating for a while I was kinda busy and I had no motivation. I love you guys and I hope you have a great rest of your day/night <33


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