Chapter 12

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Anna's pov:

Y/n dropped me off at my house and about 10 minutes later I got a snap from her. I opened it and it was a stupid picture of her in just her sports bra and boxers and there was text saying 'im coming to invade your house and steal your food' I thought it was kinda cute but also really funny at the same time so I screenshotted it and told her I would be ready for when she invaded

~time skip to when y/n gets to Anna's house~

Y/n said she was just going to drop off my clothes but we both knew that she was going to stay for at least an hour. She put the clothes in the washing machine and then grabbed a box of crackers and we went up to my room to hang out

wow this kinda is her second home...

"So, whatcha been up to?" she asked sitting down on my bed

"It's been like 20 minutes, I literally was just on TikTok"

"Cool, cool"

It was silent for a while then I broke the silence saying:

"After we graduate, I want to go to LA and do social media full time. Do you want to go with me?"

"Hell yeah I want to Shumate, why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know, I was just asking"

It was silent again for a while when I asked



"Do you wanna be my girlfriend?"

"Same answer I said last time: Hell yeah I want to Shumate, why wouldn't I?"

We both laughed and y/n pulled me into a passionate kiss.

~time skip to a couple of weeks later~

Anna's pov:

Christmas is in a couple of days and I still have no idea what to get y/n. I called Ellie because I couldn't think of any better way

"Hey" she said as she picked up

"Hi, is anyone there?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like is anyone else in the room with you?"

"I mean yeah, y/n is"

Y/n poked her head into frame, smiled and said:

"Hey Boon"

 I smiled back at her told her:

"Can you leave the room for a sec, I want to ask Ellie something"

"Sure, I'll go get us some snacks from downstairs" I heard y/n say

"Ok, she's gone, what did you want to ask me?"

"I have no clue what to get y/n for Christmas and I'm kinda panicking"

"Get her something generic, she's not expecting a gift from you"

"She's not?"

"You guys have only been official for a couple of weeks"

"Yeah but we always used to- you know what I'm not even going to argue but I don't want to get her something super generic because then it just seems like I'm forced to get her something"

"Don't you like drawing?"


"Why don't you draw her something that is special to both of you?"

"Ooh yeah good idea, that's a good idea, thanks"

I hung up, grabbed my shoes and keys and drove to school even though we were on Christmas break I knew someone would probably let me in. I was right, the janitor let me in without question which was nice. I ran up to the roof and turned around so that I was facing y/n's hang out spot

good thing she isn't here, i was a little worried i'd see her here but she's at Ellie's...

I grabbed my phone and took a picture of it because I didn't want to bring my sketchbook here and draw it because I don't want to risk the chances of being seen because I technically wasn't supposed to be up here, let alone be at school. I took the picture and headed back down to my car and I drove home.


675 words


our school is doing online this week bc people went on spring break and i hate it sm i already did full online all of first semester bc our school had the choice of full in person or full online


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