Last Day of School (C1)

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I was determined to meet with my friends as soon as I got out of the classroom. As if on cue, I saw Stan, Richie and Bill and Eddie walking together as I joined them.

 "Then somehow I become a man." Stan said, talking about something.

 "What are you guys talking about?" I asked patiently and Richie answered,

 "what they always talk about, y/n." I rolled my eyes. That didn't answer my question, I thought. We got outside and dumped everything in our backpacks out. 

                "Best. Feeling. Ever." Stan said excited to get school done with.

 "Oh yeah? Try tickling your pickle for the first time." Richie said looking at everyone to get a reaction. This kid..

 "Hey what do you guys want to do tomorrow?" Eddie asked quickly. 

"Start my training." Richie said, adjusting his glasses which were too big for his face.

 "Training? What training?" 

 I couldn't see Richie training for anything except for "Street fighter." He said, almost reading my mind. 

"That's how you wanna spend your summer? Inside of a dumb arcade?" Eddie said, clearly annoyed. 

"Beats spending it inside of your mother." Richie says while raising his hand for someone to high five. I high five it just to be nice. 

"Hey maybe we could go to the quarry." Stan suggested. 

"I th-thought we were going to-to the bar-rens." Bill stuttered out.

 "Right, maybe we could go to the quarry another day." I suggested. It was quiet for a few seconds until Eddie broke the silence. 

"Betty Ripsoms mom." Betty had gone missing a while ago, after Bills brother, Georgie went missing. Its been weird, kids have been going missing, and its been happening more and more often. I get so deep in my thoughts that Stan had to call my name when they were walking away. 

"The barrens aren't that bad actually," Richie says. "Who doesn't love splashing around in shitty water-" Richie gets interrupted when Henry Bowers, the schools bully pulls Richie by the backpack, throwing him into Stan. Patrick, one of Henry's goons picks up Stan's' Kippah and says, 

"Nice Frisbee, flamer." Belch, Henry's THIRD goon, burps into Eddie's ear, making him gag. Henry walks up to me and shoves me while saying,

 "Stupid slut." He always calls me that, even though I haven't done anything of the sort. 

"You s-s-s-suck Bowers." Bill spits out angrily.

 "Bill!" I whisper yell. Henry turns around. 

"Did you say something? Buh-buh-buh-buh Billy?" He asked, mocking Bill's stutter. 

"You've gotten a free ride this year because of your little brother. But the rides over now." He says before looking at his dad, a cop watching him nearby. Henry backs up a bit. He looks at me. 

"Sometimes I sit and wonder, 'why would a slut like you be hanging out with losers like these?' The answers simple. You all know it." He says, laughing with his goons.

 "Whats the answer?" I say with confidence. "What the hell did you just say to me?" Henry said, upset.

 "I said, whats the answer." I knew I was about to get hurt. Pretty bad. He put his hand up and I flinched. But instead he started caressing my face.

 "If you wanna get nasty with someone, you should do it with me." He said as I cringed.

 "But aren't I a slut? You even said so yourself, jackass." I said while pushing him.

 "Whatever. I'll be back for you losers." Henry said as he walked away towards Belch's car. Me and the losers helped each other back up as they all complimented me.

"That was totally badass." Richie exclaimed fixing his glasses.

 "Yeah how could you even do that, Bowers could beat you up." Eddie says. 

"T-thanks, y/n." Bill says, smiling.

 "You're welcome guys, its the least I could do."

We got on our bikes and were about to go home. "I'll see you guys at the barrens, okay?" I shouted to everyone as everyone agreed. 


What a school year.

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