Bens Room+Bevs Bathroom (C5)

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warning: Talk about siblings dying and a house burning so I just wanted to let anyone know in case they're sensitive. 

y/n pov:

We all rode our bikes over to Bens house and parked our bikes, well, most of us just threw them down and ran inside. 

"I heard he has like, a roller coaster, and a pet chimp and some old guys fucking bones-" Richie and Eddie stopped talking about whatever they were and we all observed Bens room. There were pictures and articles everywhere. 

"Woah." I said, clearly amused, and so were the rest of us.

"cool, huh?" ben asked. I nodded, but Richie said, 

"No, no nothing cool." I elbowed him and told Ben he was kidding. 

"Oh wait, this is cool, oh, never mind, its not." I rolled my eyes at Richie.

"What's that?" Stan asked pointing to a paper on Ben's wall.

"Oh, thats the charter for Derry Township." 

"Nerd alert." Richie said adjusting his glasses.

"No, actually, it looks really interesting!" I said to cheer Ben up as I gave him a reassuring smile 

"Derry started as a beaver trapping camp-"

"sTiLl Is Am I rIgHt BoYs?" Richie said holding up his hand for someone to high five. Everyone shook their heads and ignored it.

"91 people signed the charter that made Derry, but, later that winter, they all disappeared without a trace."

"The entire camp?"

"There are rumors of Indians, but no sign of an attack. Everybody just thought it was a plague or something, but its like, one day everybody just woke up and left. The only clue was a trail of bloody clothes leading to the well house."

"Wow. We could get Derry on Unsolved Mysteries!" Richie said, and continued to talk. "I dont know what you guys think, but thats pretty nerdy."

"No it isn't! Its fascinating." 

"Maybe he's just trying to make some friends."

"W-where is the well house?" Bill asked.

"I don't know, somewhere in town, I guess." Ben answered, shrugging. "Why?" Bill shook his head as if he were about to say something, but he didn't.

We all rode back to our own houses, and when I got inside my house, no one was there so I decided to microwave some leftovers and eat. I sat down and watched this show for a little bit, there was this woman with a group of kids that talked and sang a little bit. Suddenly, while putting my dish in the sink, I hear, 

"Y/N! Come on and join the fun!"  I ran in and saw the woman motioning to step closer to the television. My eyes widened. "What?" I said and started pacing around.

"Y/N! Don't make him mad! Just come on down to your local sewer and come float!" I stepped toward the t.v and knelt down. "Who? Make who mad?" Was I going insane? Was this happening? I tried pinching myself to  make sure it wasn't a dream. "What the hell?" 

"Oh y/n! Guess who we brought down! We have, y/b/n and y/s/n!" (your brothers name & your sisters name. If you don't have any siblings, pretend you do) 

Your lips parted in shock. "WHAT THE FUCK" Your breathing was so heavy and fast and so was your heartbeat, you might thought your heart will explode. 

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