The barrens (C2)

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I hopped on my bike to ride to the barrens as the rest of the losers were meeting me there. I've been there a few times before, its kinda cool, its just a little creek, and a sewer tunnel, but for some weird reason the boys really enjoy going there, especially Bill, I think that's because he thinks that he can find his missing brother, Georgie there. But if I'm being honest, I think Georgie is dead. I dropped my bike on the rocks along with theirs. 

"Thats poison ivy, thats poison ivy, and I think thats poison ivy." Stan muttered, pointing to random plants. "Where's the poison ivy? Eddie asked nervously.

 "Nowhere Eddie, not every fucking plant is poison ivy Stanley." I said a bit loud. 

"Well, i'm starting to get itchy now, and I think there might be-" Eddie was cut off by Richie.

 "I bet you use the same bathroom as your mother." 

"Well, yeah, sometimes." Eddie said a little bit embarrassed. 

"You probably have crabs." Richie stated. Me, Bill and Richie walked into the sewer tunnel, with brown water all around my feet. I turned around and said to Stan and Eddie.

 "Aren't you guys coming in?" Eddie shook his head.

 "Its grey-water." He said in a matter-of-factly tone.

 "What the hell is grey-water?" Richie said, annoyed with Eddies germaphobic life. 

"Ugh its just, piss and shit mixed together so I'm just telling you, you guys are splashing around in hundreds of gallons of Derry pee." For a small annoying kid, Eddie sure knew a lot about health and germs. All of the sudden, Richie picked up a stick and smelled it. 

"DoEsN't sMeLl LiKe CaCa To Me SeNoR." He said in a Spanish accent. 

"I can smell that from here, dipshit." 

"Its probably just your breath wafting back into your face."


"OH I'LL SHOW YOU A STAPH INFECTION." The two boys continued arguing as Bill picked up something that looked like a shoe.

 "Holy shit, do you think thats-" I started to say to Bill, but stopped before I got to Georgies name. 

"N-no, Georgie wore g-galoshes." He stuttered.

 "guys!" I yelled to the fighting boys. They all stopped and put on a worried look.

 "Who's sneaker is it?" Richie asked, clearly scared. We three looked inside as there was a name inside that read, B. Ripsom . 

 "It's Betty's. Betty Ripsoms shoe." I said, scared. But so was Eddie as he started saying,

 "Oh shit, Oh fuck. I hate doing this." 

"How do you think Betty feels?" Richie started.

 "running around these tunnels with only one fricking shoe!" He said in a jokingly manner. We all stared at him until Stan said, 

"What if shes still here?" Stan questioned as we started walking deeper into the tunnel.

 "My mom will have an aneurysm if she finds out were down here I'm serious." eddie said, worried.

 "I-if I was Betty Ripsom, I'd want us to f-find her." Bill said, sadly. I nodded and we kept walking. 

"What if I dont want to find her? No offense Bill but I dont want to end up like-" Eddie paused and looked at Bill.

 "I dont want to end up missing." 

"Neither do I. Nobody does, but its best to try to find them." I said with hope. After I said that, there was a splash in the water outside in the creek. We all ran out of the tunnel and saw some kid who was all bloody and dirty. 

"Holy shit what happened to you?" Richie asked him. He looked at us as we ran to help him up. 

"Bowers- He- He cut me- I fell-" He said clearly out of breath.

 "Its okay, we'll fix you up." Then I recognized him. Ben Hanscom, I see him sometimes at the library. Hes a pretty nice kid , and I talk to him sometimes, and I think he was in my ELA class. We help him up and we take him to an alley as Bill, Eddie and Stan go into the pharmacy to get supplies. Me and Richie comfort him.

 "Glad I got to know you before you died." Richie said, smiling. 

"What the fuck Richie," I said so that only Richie could hear. The rest of the losers came back out with supplies and started helping Ben. Then a girl with long auburn hair came our way. Beverly.  I thought. I knew her around, there were many rumors of her doing dirty things with guys, but I never believed them, they didn't have any proof. I waved and she waved back, I noticed she was holding a pack of cigarettes. We started assisting Ben as Eddie, or Dr. K as Richie calls him fixed him up. 

"Suck the wound! This is 101!" Richie kept saying.

 "Would you shut up? I need to focus could you hand me my bifocals y/n?" He asked me. 

"Sure where are they?" 

"In my second fanny pack." He said as I was trying to hold in a laugh. 

"I'm sorry, why do you have two fanny packs?" I said containing my laughter. 

"I don't know, could you just grab them for me?" He said quickly. I grabbed them as Richie started saying stupid things in a stupid british accent. When Beverly came over she said in a concerned voice, 

"are you okay? It looks like it hurts." Ben nodded and told her that he just fell. 

"Right into Henry Bowers." Richie said confidently. 

"Richie!" I whisper yelled. "Its the truth." He said, rolling his eyes. 

"are you sure they have the right stuff to fix you up?" Bev said winking. Ben smiled and blushed. 

"You can't go up and just start bringing up Bowers in front of her." I told Richie. 

"Didn't you hear what she did?" Eddie said as Ben asked,

 "What'd she do?" 

"More like who'd she do. From what I heard, the list is longer than my wang." The one and only Richie Tozier said laughing while all of us stared. 

"Thats not saying much." Stan said.

 "The list must be really short." I said jokingly. 

"Hey you mother-" Richie started but got cut off by, 

"T-they're j-just rumors." Bill said. 

"Anyways, we have someone to fix up, so why dont we help Ben?" I said to everyone. 

"Yeah, pip pip and tally ho my good fellows! I do believe this chap deserves upmost attention. Get in there Dr. K, come on, fix him up." Richie said in his british voice.

 "Why dont you shut the fuck up because I know what I'm doing and I don't want you doing the british guy while I'm staying focused." Eddie said, annoyed. That's when I turned and saw something out of the corner or my eye. I might be crazy, but to me, it looked like a clown, holding a balloon in one hand, but in the other...

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