alone + bad surprise (C8)

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It's been a while since I've seen the losers. 2 weeks to be exact, I've been really lonely, but I've called Bev a few times but we never hung out, her dad wouldn't allow it for some reason.

You know what was really annoying? I keep seeing that damn clown. Almost everywhere I go, there's something that at least symbolizes It.

They burned down, to the ground, all the way down.

I don't know if that was the exact thing It said or not but it kept echoing in my head over and over, like a water wheel, it never ends. It was pure torture, kept reminding me of them, all the good times we had together. I really wish I could-

"Y/n? You okay?" I turned around to see my mother. Well, I don't even know if it was my mother, she might be It. I nodded back to her as a way of saying hello and her concern just grew.

"You look really lonely, whatever happened to those friends of yours?" She asked.

I shook my head. "I already told you. We had a fight."

"But you were so happy with them! If I were you, I would call them and apologize to them." I sighed at her suggestion, but then I thought, it would be a good idea, I was really happy with them and they were my real  friends. I stood up and slowly walked towards the telephone. I dialed bills number first because I felt that I haven't spoken to him in a while, and I agreed with his statement about defeating It.

"Hello?" Bill spoke into the phone.

"Hey bill! It's y/n, I just, wanted to say hello and ask how you're doing." I said pausing for his response.

"I-im fine, you?" We held a short conversation until I heard a beeping on the other line, I was about to ask what it was until he spoke.


"Yeah?" I asked confused.

"Look behind you." I began to feel scared before turning around. I even forgot mom was there. When I fully turned around a found Pennywise having my mom in a headlock, choking her. I dropped the phone in panic and started screaming. I honestly didn't know what to do, but, I could run into the kitchen and grab a knife or just started hitting it, which I don't think would work at all, but those were my two options. I sprinted into the kitchen, tears streaming down my face as a quickly looked through all of the knives to find the sharpest one. While doing that, I heard a bang on the floor as a sprinted in there to find my mother on the ground, a purple face with all of life sucked out of her. Pennywise sat in front of her with a bloody grin. I ran towards him with the knife stabbing him in the face.

I wasn't scared.

For one of the first times in my life. I wasn't scared.

I couldn't lose my mother. I just couldn't. I stabbed it again and shut my eyes.

I think I already lost her. I sunk down to my knees and crawled over to her.

"Mommmm.. MOMM!" I sobbed harder and harder and fell over her body. Then something strange happened. Her body started dissolving. Into.. sand? Dust? No, ash. She dissolved into ashes. I laid on the ground where her ashes were, still sobbing.

"Y/n" a voice kept repeating behind me. I was to sad to look behind me, but it sounded familiar. Mom.

I whipped my head around to find my mom with a confused face behind me.

"What the hell is wrong?" I couldn't even explain myself. I just kept sobbing and hugging her.

Next day-----

I need to call one of them. I just need to, my mom thinks I'm going crazy, I'm getting really lonely and I just need someone to talk to. Ironically, the phone rang before I even stood up to dial someones number myself.

"Hello?" I spoke into it waiting for a response

"Y/n? I-i-its Bill, It got Bev."

A/n: sorry this is so short! Im writing this on my phone so it isn't very easy, but thanks so much for reading, and if youre feeling adventurous you can go read my horrible imagines, because I love reading and making them, also give me some tips and suggestions on any of my books, I'd appreciate it! Have a great day!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2021 ⏰

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