Photograph + Encounter (C3)

18 3 11

y/n pov:

A photograph was held in the clowns white gloved hand. In the photograph were three children, around the age of 6 or 7 as they looked. There were two girls and one boy, they were all smiling and holding slices of cake, and had icing smeared on their hands and lips. The girl in the middle wore a blue dress with flowers, and had a gap in her teeth, the girl next to her was wearing a red outfit, a red shirt and red pants, and even a red headband, and the boy was wearing a superhero shirt, and had messy hair. I looked closer and saw a banner behind the children, that read, Happy Birthday Y/N!  I looked up at the clown and looked back at the photograph, which was now dripping with blood. 

"Guys!" I turned around to the losers, who just finished cleaning up Ben.

 "Look-" I said, pointing to where the clown was, only to find that he was gone. 

"I-I thought I saw something, never mind, sorry." 

"Its okay, y/n. What did you see?" Stan asked you. I shook my head. 

"I just thought I saw something." 

"W-well, w-we were thinking about g-going to the q-q-uarry tomorrow, if you want t-to come." Bill said to Beverly.

"Sure! I'll think about it, bye guys!" She said walking away as we waved. 

I turned around to back where the clown was, very confused. Something weird is going on.  Maybe that clown has something to do with all the missing kids, or maybe I'm just crazy. You thought to yourself. 

"I honestly can't believe you brought this kid back to life." Richie said, breaking my inner thoughts. 

"He wasn't dead, anyways." Eddie said as he fiddled with his inhaler. 

"Whats wrong, Eddie?" I asked, a bit worried why he had his inhaler out.

"Nothing, I'm just having trouble breathing right now, that's all." He said as I nodded and calmed down, but my mind kept going back to that photograph, why did the clown choose that photo? And who were they? How did they know my name? "Y/n? y-you okay?" Bill stuttered.

 "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, I'm just thinking." I said shaking your head. 

"So, I'm excited to go to the quarry tomorrow." I said quickly, trying to change the subject.

"Me too. I can't wait to see y/n in a swimsuit am I right Eddie?" Richie said holding his hand up to Eddie waiting for a high five. 

"Shut up Richie!"  Eddie and I said simultaneously. You guys locked eyes for a second but then quickly looked away. You saw his face blush a little bit. 

"I'M KIDDING CAN'T YOU IDIOTS TAKE A JOKE?" Richie said looking around. Ben stared at him for a long time then said, 

"Is that what you call humor?" and he replied with, 

"Yes, and I'm the only one with a sense of it." tilting his chin upward. 

I looked at my watch and said, "Hey guys, I've got to go, my mom wants me home to do chores, but I'll see you guys tomorrow at the quarry right?" They all nodded and told me goodbye as I rode off. 

---------------------------------------------Later that night------------------------------------------------------

third person pov:

After she got done with dinner and chores, she settled in to bed with her candle dimly lit. She thought for a long time about what she saw today. It frightened her and made her nervous. She looked outside her window, which was next to her bed and looked around outside. There was something off. Reaching out of the sewer was a white gloved hand tapping the hard street. It started off slow and quiet, but got louder and faster, along with her heartbeat. She was sure the whole neighborhood could hear it, but could they? Everyone's lights were off and no one seemed to look out their windows. Well, except for her. She opened the window and yelled, 

"Who are you?" It stopped tapping. 

"Me? You should already know me, Y/n." A voice coming from the sewer said. If she could hear the voice from that far, then her neighbors and even her family members could hear it. Right? 

"Well- I don't," She said with a shudder in her voice. "And how do you know my name?"

"Oh I know everyone's names. I know your friends names, I know everyone in your family's names. I even know your secrets." The voice said. 

"Who are you." She asked again with confidence. 

"Pennywise. Pennywise the dancing clown! Pennywise, meet y/n. Y/n, meet Pennywise. Nice to meet you y/n!" Pennywise said with a laugh. 

"Come out so I can see you." The girl said moving her head forward to see better. A cough was heard, then two gloved hands pulled out of the sewer, then Pennywise pulled himself out of the sewer with another laugh. he didn't look like a normal clown, like a clown you see at a festival or someones birthday party. He had orange hair that stuck up like it was a mad scientist, or kind of like ram horns. He had red liner from his eyes going to his lips, which were a deep red. His eyes were a yellow color, and he had a massive forehead. He gave a soft wave, and that's when she realized he was the clown from earlier

"You'll float down here. We all do. Why don't you come join us Y/N?" Her eyes widened. 

"Come float with us. FLOAT WITH US Y/N!" The clown said as his voice got deeper. 

"NO!" She screamed as the clown started shaking its head furiously and ran toward her window. She ran to her bed and flopped down, scared out of her mind. She turned on her light and noticed the candle was already out somehow. She slowly crept towards the window, and looked out.Nothing. Nothing was there. She backed away and sat on her bed, shaken by the moment. She didn't know who to go to, and she didn't want to tell her mom, she might think she was crazy. She left her light dimmed for the whole night but she couldn't stop thinking about it. Not just the clown, but the photograph. All that thinking that night caused her to realize who they were. Who the kids were the photo, and she realized her fear. That night she dreamt of the kids in the photograph. Of her and-

Losers clubOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora