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Sage's POV

As my head lay against his chest I picked up his hand and absentmindedly played with the rings on his fingers as his chin laid on the top of my head.

I'd missed this, I'd missed him.

"I came after you, you know," his hand ran up and down my back as he questioned me.

"What are you talking about?"

"The day you left, I went to the airport," I confessed.

8 months ago

Sage threw the gummy bears up in the air catching them each time they fell, she had been in the shop before school and saw gummy bears at the counter, she bought them remembering that they were his favourite.

As she walked into the school she approached his locker and leaned against it as she waited for River to walk through the door.

She began to grow worried, she was no stranger to the fact that River skipped class but he'd made it a habit to meet her at his locker before disappearing with the wind.

" Sage,"

"Hey Kai, have you seen River," He looked at her with confusion before realisation hit him.

"He didn't tell you,"

"Tell me what?"

He rubbed the back of his neck avoiding eye contact, "He's leaving, he's moving to New York to be with his dad,"

She tucked the sweets into the pocket of her hoodie as she listened, "What, when is he leaving?"

"His plane leaves at 11:30," Kai informed her, "I'm sorry I thought he would've told you,"

Kai watched as Sage left the school in hopes of reaching River and he hoped that she made it in time so that the two of them could say a better goodbye.

Sage rang her mother's phone over and over in hopes that she would answer and drop her off at that airport so that she could see him.

One prominent thought rang in her head, 'why didn't he tell me?'.

She bounced on her feet as she waited at the bus stop, her head moving side to side anxiously every few seconds, she needed the bus to appear now.

She pulled out her phone checking the time.


Uneasiness bubbled up inside of her stomach killing the butterflies that once lived there, she was going to be late, she was going to miss him.

Remembering that there was a train station close to this part of town she ran there, buying a ticket she slid into the train right before the doors closed.


Her feet shuffled along the floor as the train moved, painfully slowly, to Sage's standards. She hoped that there had been a delay or that someone had stopped the plane for mechanical reasons. Anything to get the plane to stop so she could get to him on time.

What was she even going to say, 'don't go,' she shook her head at the stupid thought and tried to calm herself down, she'd know what to say when she saw him.

He should've just told her.

Her overthinking has caused the train ride to pass by much quicker, she bolted off the train running past people muttering inaudible apologies whenever she'd bumped into their shoulders or knocked over their luggage.

Sage explained her situation to a very bored security guard, pleading with him to let her through. The mans gaze pierced through her as he begrudgingly let her past, but if he was being honest he was secretly a hopeless romantic and hoped that she got to him just like in the movies.

She jumped exclaiming many thanks before rushing through the airport, he'd given her a quick route to gate 24 so she wouldn't t have to go through the standard procedures.

Sage pushed her tired legs harder as the gate came into view, but the door was closed.

Hearing a plane on the runway her head whipped round to see a plane taking off into the air, it was his plane she knew it was his plane.

She was too late.

Sage sat on the chair with her knees tucked into her chest as she looked out of the large glass window and watched the plane take off into the sky. She watched as the plane disappeared into the clouds, taking River with it.

"Sorry kid," The security guard spoke, "When I get sad I eat, do you want anything?"

She bit her lip not letting her tears fall as she laughed at his attempt to cheer her up.

"It's okay, thanks though," she said as she forced a smile.

He was about to reply before he got called through his radio, answering he sent her a small smile before leaving her with her thoughts.

Sage pulled out her phone as she felt a continuous buzz, lifting it to her ear her mother's worried voice filled her ears and it was something about that, which just broke her.

"Mum," She chocked out, "he's gone."

And at this moment Sage had never felt more alone.

8 months over

"I was too late though,"

"Your mum must hate me," he winced out.

I laughed as I heard the pained expression in his voice.

"I wish she did," I started, "but she never did,"

My mum loved River, she said he was just a good kid who made the wrong choices because he knew no better. She said he'd realise what he'd lost and come back.


I hummed a response as I stretched my hand out to get more fries but there was none left.

I looked up to River who was already looking down at me, a small smile played on his lips as he rolled his eyes before going to get more.

As I looked at the clock across the room I read the time, 11:53, we still had 7 minutes before we weren't going to see each other.

I was happy to see him, I'd dreamt of this for 8 months him coming back and us being together but a larger part of me didn't want this anymore.

Because I knew when he left this time it would hurt more than the last.

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