chapter 2

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Bertholdt pov: I was out of breath but I made it in time before the bell. "Morning bertholdt!!" I look around wondering where my name was called from, then I saw Marco waving to me and Jean following behind him. "Oh hi Marco, hi Jean." Marco and Jean were good freinds of mine. I was about to start talking but was interrupted by the bell. I gave both of them a wave and ran on to my class. I had maths, I didn't enjoy maths to be honest. It was a subject I wasn't good at. As I walked on in to this dreadful class I was surprised to see Reiner there. Reiner and me never really had alot of classes together. Reiner gave me a smile and waved as I entered the classroom. I gave him a smile in return. I sat down at my desk and got my books out of my bag and set them on the desk. Reiner was sitting near the back with alot of people. I would b so uncomfortable sitting back there with a lot of people surrounding me just the thought makes me shiver. I turned my head back to face the front. The teacher walked in and the lesson began. ( Time skip cause ya no maths sucks, let's just say he went to a couple of other classes now it's dinner time).
Ughh I'm so hungryyy I groaned entering the canteen. I saw Marco and Jean sitting at the table in corner I walked over and joined them. Hey bertholdt Jean said. Hey Jean well Marco. How are you two? Were doing goo- before Marco could finish his sentence we all glanced up to see a crowd of people swarm the doorway. A group of People walked in and I could make out a a face that I new. Reiner... Reiner was in the middle of the group well I wasn't really surprised cause he's popular and all. All the girls love him and I can see why , he's a handsome kind man. "Ugh what a pain" jean lowly spoke under his breath. His face expression described everything how he didn't like that they got all the girls attention. Marco giggled. You get jealous way to easy jean. "No I don't!" You so do. No I don't do I Bert, I don't get jealous!. I gave a slightly nervous laugh and noded . We all went quiet and started eating our lunch. I was in a bit of a daze but was snapped out of it when I heard my name being called. I look around to see a figure standing behind me. It was Reiner. "Oh- hey reiner" I said in a confused manner. I didn't know why he would talk to me out of all people. Reiner spoke up " I was wondering if u wanted to go back to that book store after school with me, you could show me a couple of books you've read". I was shocked that he asked me to go with him . Sure! I said with a smile. Great see after school Reiner said and walked off back to his group. You know him? jean asked. Yea I met him this morning at the book shop. Cool! Marco spoke you know someone so cool hes in that big popular group with eren, mikasa,Armin and Annie. Yea- I said while checking the time on my phone.  I have a class now I said as I stood up. See you two soon I smiled. See ya Bert. Bye bertholdt the both said as I walked off to my next class.

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