chapter 3 the store

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School had ended. I walked out of the school building towards the gates, Reiner was standing at the gate waiting for me. "Hey r-reiner" I said as I walked over to him. " Oh hey bertholdt you ready to go" he said with a smile. "Yea" I whispered loud enough for him to hear". Then we left the school gates and walked to the book store. We were walking along the side of the road and I must of spaces out for a bit. Bertholdt? Bertie? Hello you still there???" I snapped out of my own world to look Reiner In the eyes. You were in a world of your own there buddy, you alright. My face went red from embarrassment. Y-yea sorry. Truth was I was nervous being around him I didn't know exactly why maybe because he's really popular and I'm not or something else I wasn't really sure. We started talking about school and stuff and eventually got to the book shop/store. We entered and I slightly jumped as the bell went of at the top of the door. Reiner laughed and my face went red with embarrassment again. This wasn't like me why was I so messed up today, I come here like everyday and not once has the bell scared me. What is going on with me??? Reiner eventually stoped giggling and looked up at me. " Your a big softie for a giant" he giggled. I laughed shyly as he looked by at the books. I heard you come here alot Bert, do u like to read alot, Reiner said. " Y-yea I like to read it's one of my hobbies, there really interesting" I whispered. "Do u have a sort of genre u like to read. I kinda like romance story's. Reiner raised his eyebrow. Romance?. Oh god I started to sweat a bit, does he not like romance what do I say now why am I freaking out so much oh god is he to cool for romantic books, I sound like a total nerd now. I nodded slowly in reply avoiding eye contact. Reiner began to speak. For some reason I was getting anxious just in case he hated romance books. " Got any good romance one I could read" I was surprised with what he just said, I was expecting him to be like, ew. I looked over and saw a good romance book that I've read before. I pointed to the book called, two doves. ( Idk just deal with the name please).  He picked it up." I'll read this one then" he said with a smile. Ima go rent it out I'll be back in a second he spoke as he walked off to the counter. I stood there in shock that he chose the romance book. He looks like he would be more into crime books. I started to go back into my own little world again but was quickly brought back into reality when I heard little bangs on the windows. It started to rain and I had no umbrella or coat with me. I'm going to be soaked by the time I get home, I sighed.  Reiner returned, he glance out the window of the shop and said " raining, thank god I have a coat how bout u very got anything. I shook my head. " Here". He reached into his school bag and pulled out a hoodie. I had sports today so I have a spear hoodie here put it over your head or if it fits u can wear it" . He threw it up at me and I just stared at it. Are you sure your fine with me wearing it I stuttered out. Yea I don't mind put it on. Also how far is your house he said as I began to put his hoodie on. It will only take me 20 minutes to get to it so don't worry I said pulling the hoodie down, it was really baggy probably cause I was a stick and Reiner was a beast with muscles. 20 minutes that's way to long my house is only 5 minutes from this place you can come to mine till the rain stops he said opening the door of the store to exit. I was about to tell him that I'll b fine but he took my wrist and ran about the door with me dragging behind him.

Sorry this is a long one and it's not that good but I'm hopefully getting a image in my head of where this story will b going. Also Have a lovely day/night/ afternoon!

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