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A bit of smut as people like to call it these days so if you do not like I suggest that u please stop reading these, but I am thankful that if your still reading these you've have still kept reading this far. Many thanks

Bertholdts pov

I opened my eyes up slowly and blinked several times. I was trying to take in the new environment. Then it hit me. My eyes grew wider as I glanced to my left to find a sleeping reiner beside me. He look like a teddy bear. I turned my head to it's original place and stared at the ceiling. My head was spinning. What was I doing here in Reiners place? Suddenly I felt a nudge on my left. Reiner opened his eyes as he glanced up at me with a smirk. I turned red like a beetroot and shot up from my position.

R-reiner....w-hat doing here I, my words flew out of my mouth all jumbled to my surprise Reiner understood what I was attempting to say as he sat up and look me dead in the eyes. Then he started to smile as if he were a kid who just got some sweets. " Oh Bertie.." he then sat up against the wall that his bed was resting beside. He kept smirking which made my head spin round in circles. "You are a great kisser you know " as he lent in close to my face making me jerk back and turn even reder than before. Wh-what?? I whispered loud enough for Reiners ears to hear. He then leaned over past me and grabbed his phone. "It's bout time to make breakfast "spoke softly as if it wasn't weird that I had woke up beside him. He got up from his bed and whispered in my ear. " I'll tell u what happened last night at breakfast" then he ventured into the kitchen.

I sat stunned. My head was filling up with so much questions then I had a recap of what happened last night. I covered my mouth, I-i got drunk. I jumped out of bed and entered the kitchen where I saw Reiner poaching some eggs. I stood starring for a while as Reiner made breakfast. Reiner the glanced over towards me and told me to take a seat. I did as he instructed me to and sat at the table. After about 5 minutes Reiner came with two plates with bacon eggs beans and toast. It looked amazing but I couldn't admire it for to long before the questions filled my head with what I wanted to confront reiner about. What really happened last night?

Before I opened my trap Reiner spoke up. " Yea sorry about last night Bertholdt, I didn't realize there was alcohol in the drink u were drinking" he gave a nervous laugh and look up at me. "And ... Umm.. you were quite drunk and...." He paused then look away from me knowing my reaction to what he was gonna say next. " And you were extremely flirty when your drunk " he said trying not to laugh.

I put my head to the table and blushed so much I thought my face was melting off. I couldn't stand the embarrassment. Reiner then turned his head to look at me and slightly giggled "so cute" he mumbled under his breath. I couldn't bring myself to make eye contact so I just ate the food that was on my plate. There was a long silence for a while. After I had finished. I finally decided to speak. I put my head in my hands and what I said surprised me as much as it surprised reiner.

"I'm so sorry Reiner I'm such a idiot for being a weird nerd, I don't understand why you wanted to talk to me in the first place? Your so cool, handsome and so nice and kind and your hanging round with a loser like me. You must get so much hate because of me. even tho I've only known you for a couple of days I like you alot. Love is the most beautiful feeling and I felt it when I met you. But I'm so sorry for everything I've did to you. Im sorry that I was acting flirty and all last night you probably were so uncomfortable I'm so sor- "

I was cut off with a passionate kiss. My eyes grew wide then after a while I finally connected our lips together. I could feel Reiners hand going through my hair. It felt so...good..    we pulled away slowly as are view was eachothers eyes. " You aren't a loser Bertie and you never were and no one has every judged me for hanging out with u, I love spending time with you. I have to say when I saw you in school I wish I could've talked to you sooner. Your adorable and I love you. I'm glad you told me what you were feeling like cause your such a mouse Reiner said the last bit with a smirk. He pulled me up from my chair and took me to the couch for a more comfortable seating. He gently escorted me to it and we sat down together. As soon as we sat down he embraced me in a hug. "Never say those things about Bert your not a loser or anything the sort. I love you and only you" Reiner did kissed me and went down to my neck. I let out a noise as Reiner looked at me with a cheeky smirk.

Ahhhhhh what have I just wrote I'm so sorryyy. This probably ruined the story ajhahah. Btw HAVE A LOVELY DAY/AFTERNOON/NIGHT.

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