Chapter Ten: Engrained

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Hannah's POV-

I left. No regrets in my head.

Backpack slung over my shoulder, I turned back towards Jerome's house for a moment. He was standing on the porch, watching me go. I felt a sense of relief fill my chest, and I exhaled heavily. No more liars. Just me and my good old backpack. Away from all this.

I felt a smile appear on my face and I raised my hand up to wave. This sudden feeling of freedom made my chest flutter in excitement, I had officially let go of all the pain. I had let go of everything that had dragged me down, and I literally felt as light as air.

Jerome's eyes widened in surprise. I know I'm not exactly sane for being so chipper after what had happened the night before, but I knew that everything would finally come to an end. It wouldn't do any good to dwell on the worst. That's the mistake I made before. I kept constantly thinking about the past and all the terrible things, when my friends were trying their very best to help me get better.

All I had done was dodged their kindness and did the worst. I can't imagine how awful it must've been after I left the hospital without saying goodbye. The thoughts still make me feel nauseous from the guilt.

I'll make it up to you guys some day. I promise that I'll apologize.

"Hannah! Wait!" I turned in surprise to see Jerome running towards me. My entire body tensed up in panic, unsure what to do.

His hands had nothing in them, so I knew he wasn't returning something that I forgot. When my eyes met his, I took a step back. The amount of determination in his eyes was startling, and his mouth was pressed into a firm line.

Run you idiot! Can't you see he's going to get you to stay? You know you can't say no to those pretty eyes stupid!

I snapped out of my anaysis mode and turned quickly around. I turned the corner quickly, grabbing onto a lampost to change directions quickly. I could hear Jerome's feet slapping against the pavement, his calls urgent. "Wait! Please hear me out Hannah!"

I quicked my pace, my eyes searching for escape.Frantically panning around my surroundings, I spot my escape. A truck is parked next to a small cafe, and a boy is just now opening the passenger door.

I'm sure he won't mind if I catch a ride in the back eh?

Before I can take another step, a strong pair of arms stop me from behind.

His touch sends chills down my body. Bad memories flash through my mind, and I swear my sides are bleeding again. "Please," his voice echoes through my head.

I scream.

I squirm and kick, yell for help, and cry. I may be able to let go of the rest of those memories, but what happened last night will continue to haunt me. No matter how much I supress the thoughts.

"Let go Jerome!" Tears blurring my vision and running down my face. I struggled, little hope in my mind.

"Hannah.... Maybe we could work something out? You could stay maybe?' His eyes hold so many emotions that I can't read him. Lust? Hope? Sadness?

I quickly drive my elbow into his stomach, causing him to gasp in pain. Stumbling slightly, I dashed across the pavement. Avoiding the curb, I threw myself into the truck. Just as I landed inside, the vehicle suddenly jolted forwards.

What great timing.

Jerome's eyes widen at the truck rolling away from him. "Damn it! I'm sorry Hannah! I'm sorry!" His eyes full of pain, clear as day.

All I can do is look away from his glare, chills running down my spine.

Just get away Hannah. Get away from him.

Atticus's POV-

I had finally saved up enough.After multiple part time jobs, along with some extra cash I had been saving, I could leave.

"Mum I'm heading to work!" I slung my leather jacket on my shoulder.

"That's nice honey. Don't forget your pills! Oh and you have an appointment with Dr. Avox tomorrow. Hopefully this time will be better." I can hear her chopping away at the tomatoes for dinner.

Stupid therapists. That's the seventh one my mum has scheduled me with. They all prescribe me another set of antidepressants and some pill to help me sleep.

"Don't fucking talk about me like that!" I slammed my hand into his face, nose cracking at the sudden contact.

Blood poured down his face, his eyes wide with fear.

Stupid people at school, Always talking shit about me because of how I look. I had to keep people quiet about me, what else was I supposed to do?

I gag on the blood in my mouth, struggling to breathe.

"You're all alone. No one will ever love the real you." Cackling fills my ears, filling my head.

My mum looks down on me, "You never were the son I wanted you to be."

"I left because of how ruined you were, with ink covering your arms. What a disgrace." My dad walks out the door, a scowl on his face.

Wren giggles, looking at me with glee. "I only led you on for the sex silly! You expected something more?"

Stupid Nightmares, I always wake up in a cold sweat, breathing heavily. Those moments always haunt my mind.

All my things were in the trunk of my truck, ready to go. I wasn't running away, no I was leaving. Leaving everyone behind who views me as only a screw up. I'll go away from here, somewhere where I can be alone. A place where I'm accepted.

No one can get in my way of that. I'm sure.

I start my truck, taking a sip on my coffee. Just a hint of chocolate, perfect. Flipping through the stations, I pull away from the curb. Green Day blasts through the speakers, making me smirk slightly.

I was free.

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