Chapter One: Welcome to Seattle

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Emma's POV-

"Get back here!" The guard yelled as I sprinted across the train yard of Seattle,Washington. I made it to the wire fence and swung over it easily. My feet hit pavement and I ran away to more yelling. "And don't come back!" Was the last thing I heard from the pudgy man.

I came to a stop at the corner to take a breath, now far away from the officer.

I had been traveling for about two days by train in an empty box car, besides multiple bails of hay that I used to sleep on. The guard had opened my boxcar and tried to handcuff me, but luckily I slipped past him.

After taking a rest, I looked up and realized that I was in downtown Seattle.

Skyscrapers soared up towards the sky, the space needle poking the clouds. Taxis roamed the street, stopping for yelling patrons. The wind ruffled my hair, causing me to tuck it behind my ears; a habit I couldn't seem to stop.

I grinned, this was my kind of place.

'I'll stay here a few nights and then head for where ever I guess.....' I think to myself as I walk further into the thickness of the city.

I noticed it right away, people were staring. Of course they were, I was scruffy from train travel. I ignored the looks and continued to walk until I found a park, about two blocks from the space needle. I follow the path, enjoying the summer breeze until something catches my attention.

"Perfect," I whisper.

Before me is a willow tree. The beautiful branches sweep the ground, making the underside like a hut. It sways in the wind slightly, making me smile slightly at the peacefulness.

I pull back the branches and step inside. Surprisingly, no bottles or paper liter inside. Its clean. "Great, all I need is an old blanket and I'll be fine." I say happily.

The next hour is me looking for some bedding for my hideaway with no success. I could just buy one with the $500 dollars I had brought with me, but that was strictly for food.

I was digging through a trash can, when my search was interrupted by, "Hey you need some money?" I turn to see a man looking at me in the alley. I shrug, "Just looking for a blanket." He steps closer, and I get a little nervous. "You know we could always go back to my place and we could....." He trailed off, eyes raking my body.

I was gone. I took off before he could get any closer. "Perv," I mutter.

I finally gave in, and decided to buy a scrappy blanket at Goodwill for three bucks, and then a meal at McDonalds.

I headed back to the tree, the sky tinted pink as I crawled inside. I curled up into a ball and drifted off to sleep.

I awoke to someone shaking me. "Please! Help me!" The voice croaked. I opened my eyes to see a little girl about twelve crouching in front of me, her eyes wide with fear.

"Calm down," I whisper. "What's up?" Tears started dripping down her face, "This man... he's trying to rape me." Her voice shook in terror, and she whimpered slightly.

I sat up and peeked outside. There was a man stumbling around outside, and mumbling gibberish. "Drunk bastard," I muttered, and then I went back inside my home.

"Okay kid, I have a few questions." She nodded and sat down on my now spread out blanket. "You answer them for me okay?" She narrowed her eyes, but nodded her head. "Name?" She sat up straighter, and said "Bird." I raised an eyebrow, "Full name please." She sighed, "Brook Amelia Slidner." Ah, Bird must be a nick name. "Age?" She shrugs, "Thirteen, if it really matters." I nod, "Why are you alone?" I ask, trying to maintain eye contact with her emerald greens. "Ran away from the orphanage. People treated me like crap there."

After asking 'Bird' a few more questions, I blurt out an answer I'm sure I'll regret.

"Well Bird, I guess you're with me now."

A grin pops onto her face, and embraces me tightly. I stiffen in surprise, but then I relax. "Go to sleep kid, we're getting up early tomorrow for breakfast."

Adam's POV-

Back in Seattle, back home to visit family. We fell apart after Hannah left. Jerome, Mitch and I all got into a screaming fest about things, and look where I am now. No longer in Team Crafted. Ty dropped out as well, just because we're good friends.

Jerome still loves Hannah. He just tried to let her go. We all know that Jerome didn't just sit in his room. He cried. We could hear him sobbing into his pillow. Poor guy.

I will find her. I find that you don't know how much something is worth until you lose, break, or ruin it. I realize now how much I love Hannah. It's burning a hole in my heart.

It's been about three or four days now. I'm currently in a little breakfast cafe, sipping a caramel latte. The bell rings to signal a new costumer entering, and I barely glance up. I catch a glimpse of black and red hair, and my breath catches.

It's her.

I keep my head down, and watch as she walks to the back table. She is followed by a younger girl, with scruffy blonde hair and green eyes.

"Bird, what do you want?" I hear her ask wearily, as she flips through the menu.

Before I can stop myself, I walk over to their table. "The pancakes are the best." I say, my voice in obvious strain.

Emma or Hannah, looks up suddenly and her hazel eyes meet mine brown eyes.

"You found me?" She whispers. I can only nod as I take her in. Beautiful still.

"I missed you Hannah." I breath, and I touch her hand.

She doesn't pull away, but her face contorts in pain.

"I thought you said your name was Emma?" The little girl asks, breaking our silence.

She just shakes her head, and tears form into her eyes. She suddenly gets up and buries her head in my chest.

"I missed you too Adam."

All that's going through my head is,'Can you fall in love twice with the same person?'

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