Chapter Six: Fight flight or.... Kiss?

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Hannah's POV-

"Thanks so much Jerome! Today was really fun," I said as we left the museum. He grinned, "It was fun to guess what all those art pieces meant." I sighed, "Globs and streaks of paint aren't the best use of your imagination." I started to make the rainbow again with my hands, but Jerome stopped me. "Just no Anna."

I poured playfully and punched him in the shoulder. He pretended to hunch over in pain and gripped his shoulder. "Gah! My arm! I think it's broken," he winced, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. I rolled my eyes and faked a empathetic voice, "What can I do to make it feel better?"

"I need a kiss."

My head snaps up to look at him in surprise. He somehow still hasn't left the parking lot, and has seemed to gravitate towards me.

I felt my cheeks turn red, and I stared down. He tilted my chin up with two fingers so my eyes met his. "Am I really that scary that you can't even look at me?" He asked quietly. A sea of browns and greens stared back at me.

"N-n-no... It's just..." I trailed off, nervous as ever. "It's just what?" His tone was gentle, calming my nerves just a bit.

I noticed that Jerome wasn't staring into my eyes any more. He was looking at my lips. Coated in a soft pink lip gloss, slightly parted from my inability to process what was happening. He leaned in, until his lips barely brushed mine.

It was my decision. I could pull away or not. I felt my eyes flutter close and at the last second, I made my decision.


Guess who is back ^.^

School has now worked it's self out so I can do a lot of updates now!

For people that still stuck around, and have read this update, I applaud you. *claps alot* 👏

So. I need a favor.

The new most important character is coming into play, plus a few other new characters.


I need:

-A guy

-A girl that is lesbian/bi/pan/or anything besides straight

-A girl

-A ghost

-And another random side character.

I'll need some things


Name- Silvia

Age- 17 (Ages can be from 16-20 for the girls and guy, while the side character and ghost can be any age)

Personality: A very quirky person who loves sports. Very friendly towards others and loves to give and receive hugs.

Looks: Black hair and green eyes, very pail and has freckles. Wears black frame glasses and puts her hair in a bun, braid, or pony tail. Hates her hair down. Wears jeans and tee shirts or running stuff, because shes a excersise freak.

Extras: Sings, completely unaware that shes doing it.

Team: Jerome/Adam/New person/ or if you chose to do a guy you can pick yourself(Who do you ship Hannah with?)

So you guys can do an entry for everyone of those options, or just pick a few, or only one.

Thanks so much for the help, and it's so good to be back.


PS: Sorry the chapter is so short

PSS: The characters presented and chosen will determine Hannah's choice.

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