Chapter 9: Epiphany

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Hannah's POV-
I couldn't stop the sobs from escaping my throat.
Things seemed to be falling to pieces right and left.

"Jerome... Damn it..." I furiously wipe tears away from my face.

Enough is enough. I'm done depending on people. The purpose of my change was to be come someone better, to stand up for myself. All I had done was contradict my own wishes.

"I'm done Jerome." I stand up shakily, still a little unsure of myself. What will I do now? Where will I go? What purpose do I have?

I risk a glance at Jerome, who is passed out on the floor. His head has a small cut, right above his eyebrow. A red mark from where I hit him with the lamp is swelling to become a lovely little bump. Sprawled out peacefully on the floor, I find it hard to believe what he had attempted ten minutes ago.

Or was it ten? I had lost track of the time in my panic. I glance at the clock, 8:30. Jerome and I left the museum at five maybe?

I sighed and squeezed my eyes shut, trying to regain a bit on sense. For a moment, only Jerome's light snore filled the room, suddenly joined by my heart beat.

That's right. I should be on my toes, Jerome could wake up at any time. I have no idea which Jerome this will be, so I need to be cautious.

Jerome tried to rape me.

The thought makes me feel nauseous, and the room almost seems to spin.

 Jerome, the one I really loved. The one I had trusted the most. The one I picked. "Adam...." I quickly shook his memories away. He was a liar, Jerome was a liar, everyone in my life had seemed to be one big lie.

I set all my doubts aside and put myself into autopilot. Now was definitely not the time to try to understand what my goal was in life. My instincts suddenly flooded my brain, speeding around inside my head.

Fix Jerome's injuries first.

Right, he might have a concussion. I winced at the stream of blood slowly trickle down his head. I definitely needed bandages, antiseptic, and a note to leave for Jerome.

I padded into the attached bathroom, my feet sticking to the linoleum tiles as I walked to the medicine cabinet; located over the sink. A slight chill ran up my spine at the cool temperature of the room, quite the contrast from the bedroom.

After collecting a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and a roll of gauze, I reluctantly stepped back into the room.

Jerome's POV-

I awoke to a throbbing pain in my head, and a strange metallic smell tickled my nose. Something was being wrapped around my forehead. I struggled to open my eyes, but hurt flashed violently through my skull.

What had happened?

Hannah had come back here with me, and I had kissed her. I attempted to remember what had happened after. The realization hit my like a bullet in my gut.

I groaned, which caused whoever was wrapping my head to yelp. I forced my eyes to open, ignoring the bright lights. The figure had backed away towards the door.  I could hear their breath, rapid and panicked in a way. Everything seemed to come into focus all at once, sending another shot of pain to my head.

There she was, terror in her eyes as I stared at her. Her face was red, cheeks stained with tears, eyes red. Her hands were clenched so tight her knuckles were white, but if you looked closely enough you could catch the slight shaking. Not just in her hands, but her entire body. Terrorized my just my gaze.

She looked at me with wavering eyes, and then suddenly turned away. She headed out of the room, her head held high.

I attempted to sit up a minute later, which somehow I managed against the splitting pain. My eyes quickly surveyed the room, noticing a few broken shards of porcelain scattered across the floor. My head had been wrapped in gauze and disinfected, which I could tell by the sharp sting of alcohol in my nostrils.

She must've hit me with the lamp. I realized this at the absense of the white lamp on my side table. "Smart girl," I murmur. I shake my head immediately, appalled at my behaviour.

"God what have I done?" I say, not able to contain my emotions. A few traitor tears slipped down my cheeks. I was a monster.


I struggled to my feet, ignoring the pain and sudden dizziness. I stumbled out the door and down the hall, into the living room. The silence caused an ache to go to my heart. Had she left?

No, there she was, her tiny hands wrapped around a steaming mug of coffee. Her cheeks were still slightly flushed, but it seems that the tears on her cheeks had dried.

She wouldn't meet my gaze. She stared into her cup, steam rising around her face. I took a step closer to her, daring myself.

She looked up suddenly, her eyes meeting mine. "I'm leaving in a bit."

I cough in surprise, "Oh?"

She nods and takes a long sip of her drink.

She's so beautiful, in all her simplicity and pain. From her flushed cheeks to tiny hands, a certain special air about her. I never stopped noticing the simpliest things about her, that made her Hannah.

It's too bad I had thrown it all away.

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