Chapter 8: What Kind of Love?

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Hannah's POV-
The car ride was silent back to Jerome's place. I was too preoccupied to utter a single word.

I had kissed Jerome.

It's something out of a fairy tale for your Prince Charming to really fall in love with you. I still couldn't wrap my head around it really, still dazed from it all.

Jerome kissed me.

I couldn't keep a smile from my face. 'So this is what it feels like to be loved,' I thought in surprise. I felt warm, and surprisingly fuzzy inside.

I dug my thumb nail into my palm to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Sure enough, I was greeted by a sharp pain and the satisfaction of reality.

I snuck a glance over at Jerome.
He hadn't said a word since we bid farewell to Carmel in the museum parking lot.
I attempted to read his thoughts.
He had one hand on the wheel, while the other was sitting on the seat, tapping to some mystery song. His lips curled up in a slight smile, almost a smirk. His eyes drifted from the road down to his hand, tapping away at the leather, then back to the road.

My breath hitched in my throat.
'Does he want me to hold his hand?'
Still unsure but curious, I removed my hand from my lap and set it on the seat. I could feel my heart in my throat as I waited, wondering.

'Oh screw it,' I thought.
I intertwined my fingers with Jerome's, praying that I hadn't made it even more awkward.

I felt his hand tense in mine, unsure what to do. I let my eyes drift over to Jerome, and saw his eyes wide. He inhaled sharply, and then suddenly relaxed. Then, he firmly interlocked his hand with mine.

A blush creeped on my cheeks.
'So this is what it's like to feel like someone cares,' I thought in awe, fighting to keep a ridiculous grin off my already flushed face.

My hand was tingling from his touch, and I had to will my hand not to twitch. I felt my fingers, still together with Jerome's, move slightly.

'Nonono! Fingers sit still!' I frantically tried to pull myself together.
Jerome suddenly squeezed my hand, and a wave of calm washed over me.
My heart was fluttering in my chest, and my brain was trying to find the cause to me irrational actions.

Jerome holding my hand caused me to freak out? It didn't make any sense. Such a simple action shouldn't make my stomach explode with butterflies, or make me quake.

'This is what it's like to be in love,' I thought giddily, a smile bright on my face.

Jerome's POV
When she put her hand in mine, I could feel her trembling with uncertainty. I grasped her tiny palm in mine to reassure her, making Hannah relax slightly. A smile was playfully moving on her lips as she observed the scenery of the city.

'I love you Hannah. You're my world.' I thought, wanting to say it out loud. I sighed and tried to focus on the road, ignoring my urges.

I loved her yes, but was now the right time to tell her? Love wasn't just because of one kiss, it was because of so much more. It didn't seem like it was really legitimate.

I hated this side of myself. I could never make my mind up about things. It could be what cereal to buy or what conventions to attend, I could never ever decide. It was an annoying trait I had developed, and a habit I wasn't going to break anytime soon.

Another voice in my head continued to bother me. 'She's all yours Jerome.' The thought kept popping into my head. I was almost ashamed of myself, thinking that Hannah was mine. She wasn't, was she?

My mind was still scrambled as we pulled up into my driveway. I opened my door, and slid out of the drivers seat. "No," I mumbled, attempting to put any of those thoughts out of my head.

"Are you alright Jerome?" Hannah stood just on the other side of the car, her eyebrows scrunched in concern.
Something inside of me began to influence my mind. I slowly moved around the car, walking towards her.

Her eyes sparkled with curiosity as I stopped only inches away from her. Her height made her even more adorable, giving her a little charm about her.

I stooped over, and kissed her lips. Ever so gently I fit mine to hers and showed her how I felt. Down inside, something wanted more.

She kissed back, unsure at first, but then she warmed up to me. Her hands found their way to my shoulders, and mine found her waist.
(Lips are Moving by Meghan Trainer just came on. Coincidence? I think not XD)
'Don't mess this up dood.' I slowly began to move towards my house. Hannah seemed to understand and started to follow.

Finally, I gave up and lifted her into my arms.
She squeaked in surprise and pulled away. "Jerome?" She tilted her head curiously at me.
'God she looks like a freaking puppy,' I thought, feeling my heart go a little melty.

I kissed her again, a slight urgency in my movements. I felt my side hit something solid, and realised I had moved to the front door.

"Open the door Jerome," her eyes were sparkling with something else now. Not curiosity, but.... was that lust?
I pulled my keys from my pocket, and clumsily unlocked the door.
The door shut behind us, and we were enveloped in darkness.

My lips still somehow found hers, and I felt something fill my brain.
Lust, temptation, love, possession.
My self control was gone.

Hannah's POV-
I had never felt so happy.
Jerome kissed me in the dark, and my hands found his hair. Soft tufts brushed my finger tips, making a shiver go through my body.

Jerome seemed to take that as a que. He kissed more urgently, his hands now gripping my hips tightly.
I suddenly felt the shock of pain. I looked down and realised how tightly he was holding me.

His nails were digging into my sides.
"Jerome?" I asked, slightly strained.
He didn't stop. He kissed me on my cheeks and my neck, on the corners of my mouth.
Something in my heart spoke to me. 'That's not Jerome.' I felt the feeling of terror spike through my head.

He looked up with a foreign expression on his face.
"Don't you love me Hannah?" His voice was gruff, hinted with something else.
"Of course I do, but-" I started to say, but he kissed me again, cutting me off.
I attempted to pull away, but his hand was now cupping the back of my head.
I stopped kissing him entirely,but he didn't seem to care.

I heard something hit the wall, and I looked to the left.

We were in his bedroom.

My hands started to shake.
He moved to my mouth to kiss me again. Suddenly, his teeth sunk into my bottom lip.
I gasped in surprise, and Jerome slipped his tongue inside my mouth.
'You sneaky little douche!'

Suddenly gravity shifted, and I realised I was being lowered onto the bed.
I tried to pull away, but he was too strong. His muscular arms held me tight, trapping me against my will.
"Jerome!" I yelled, trying to make him stop.

He pulled away, momentarily confused. "You're mine now Hannah.We can be together now."

He stroked my cheek, a cynical look on his face. Something sticky clung to my cheek, and a strong smell flew through my nostrils.


I panicked, racking my brain for where it could have come from. 'My waist!'
His nails must have drawn blood.
Suddenly, I felt something being yanked from my body.
My shirt lay on the floor next to the bed.


I thrashed, fear consuming my mind. I screamed over and over, trying to get him to stop.
He didn't seem to notice my terrified actions, and continued to kiss me down my torso.

My pants started to slip off my body, and I frantically searched for someway to stop him.
My hands fumbled around, trying to get a grip on something.

The lamp.

I picked it up, adrenaline rushing through my veins.

Time seemed to slow as I brought it down on his head.

He collapsed on top of me.
I relaxed, my chest heaving.
I felt wet on my cheeks, and I realised I was crying.
A sob escaped my lips, and tears blurred my vision.

It seems fate wasn't quite done ruining my life.

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